Chapter 44 - Cutely ruined operation

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Wriothesley's POV

 The whole room fell silent.

 The two on the other end, however, did not.

 "Hmm... Why indeed... I didn't feel the urge to." Neuvillette concluded.

 "If it's like that, can I... Well... Hug you-"

 "No." Neuvillette cut him off decisively.

 "Worth a try." Zhongli shrugged his shoulders in defeat.


 Look at that!

 I can hug him you know!

 "Now then, Zhongli. Spit it out."

 "Here? In public? Where anyone can hear?"

 "Did you not choose the location of our meeting?" Neuvillette pointed out.

 "I wanted to bring you out for lunch." Zhongli retorted.

 "Well, now that we're here anyway, you might as well start talking." Neuvillette insisted.

 "Can you at least..."

 Zhongli made a weird motion with his arm and Neuvillette stood up with a sigh.


 He turned around and walked over to a table not too far from them.

 What is he doing?

 "Oh oh." I heard the Chief say.

 But it was too late.

 I could clearly, and I mean very clearly, hear Neuvillette's next words.

 "That is quite enough of that for today. Now, go home."

 His tone was so cold it sent shivers down my spine.

 "F*ck. We've been made." The Chief cursed as he took a set of headphones from the side.

 He adjusted the mic on the side and quickly said.

 "Abandoned sound. Get out of there. Now."

 The next thing I saw was the whole bunch from the table Neuvillette was at getting up and swiftly exiting the frame while Neuvillette sat back down.

 And just like that, we had no more sound.

 But as soon as Neuvillette sat down, Zhongli did something so shocking it was almost enough for everyone to forget about the lack of sound.

 He pulled out a small box from his pocket and placed it down in front of Neuvillette. When he opened it, a ring was revealed.

 "What the f*ck?" Someone in the room cursed.

 "Is he proposing?" Another asked.

 He was most likely not proposing from what I had heard yesterday, but I wouldn't bet on it considering he is Neuvillette's not-so-ex.


 If Zhongli is Neuvillette's ex...

 And Neuvillette considers him something akin to a brother...

 Now I can understand how he could have friendzoned him to the point where Baizhu thought he might just cough up some blood.

 He got family-zoned instead.


 I couldn't help but feel some pity for the guy.

 Just a little.

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