Chapter 2 - Errand

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Wriothesley's POV

 "Don't say it."


 "Don't you dare say it, Wriothesley."

 "I told you so."

 The Chief grunted in defeat at my words.

 The trial ended exactly how I predicted it to end. Shocker.

 It didn't even take half a day for Neuvillette to have that guy walking out of here free, his name completely cleared.

 "Can't we try bribing him over to our side?" I couldn't help but mutter.

 "That guy owns the largest law firm in the country. What are you bribing him with? It might be easier to try to seduce him."

 I gave my boss a look that could only be translated to:

 What kind of utter nonsense are you saying?

 "Fair enough."

 That conversation was dismissed and completely forgotten just like that.

 After such a big bust, I had a few days off.

 Well, I was supposed to have a few days off.

 Next morning, however, I woke up to someone banging on the door.

 As I tried putting on some clothes and made my way to the door, I bumped into my very tired little girl who had also been woken up by the noise.

 "Dad... What is it this time?" Sigewinne whined.

 She had every right to whine, to be honest.

 It was f*cking Sunday morning and I was supposed to have the day off!

 If whoever is at the door doesn't have a damn good reason to be there, I will beat them to death.

 I pretty much yanked the door open to see-


 She was holding a large file, confidential plastered all over it.

 "What are you-"

 "Remember how you lost that bet last week?" She interrupted.



 "That stupid little drinking game?"

 "Right. That. Now here, take this. This is your problem now. You should deliver it by eight."

 She didn't say more than that. She just threw the file at me and bolted out of the building faster than it should have been possible.

 What the...?

 Just what kind of bothersome-

 My thoughts cut off when I saw the name on the file.

 For Mr. Neuvillette


 Clorinde you sneaky bastard!

 Come back here this instant!

 I did lose that bet but...

 I took a quick glance at the clock.

 It was 7:30.


 I'm totally screwed.

 He's gonna chew me out if I'm just a minute late.

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