Chapter 39 - Wriothesley is screwed

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Wriothesley's POV

 On the way to the, apparently private, swimming pool, we stopped halfway for some snack because as Neuvillette pointed out less than kindly, only he and Sigewinne had a proper breakfast.

 "Even if it isn't a good idea to eat a lot before swimming, you should at least eat something."

 That something ended up being frozen yogurt with fruit.

 Again, I must praise Neuvillette's ability to resist Sigewinne's killer pout and keep her away from all the candy she wanted to scoop on top of her snack.

 Just as we were about to arrive Neuvillette turned back to look at Sigewinne.

 "Sigewinne dear, I want you to listen to me very seriously for a moment." He started.

 He only continued when he had her full attention.

 "This place has a pool for free diving. It is 40 meters deep and that depth starts directly from the edge. Now, there are signs and warnings, but you have to make sure not to go close to that pool unless you have your father or me with you, okay?"

 "Okay." Sigewinne nodded.

 Now, Neuvillette turned to Freminet.

 "Rules?" He asked.

 "Ten minutes under, five-minute break. Always tell you when I go under if you aren't in the pool. Don't dive too deeply at once. Increase the depth slowly. Starts swimming up before I feel like I can't hold it anymore." Freminet listed.

 "Now you have Pers with you. I'm guessing you want to bring him down with you. I assume you know what I have to say in relation to that."

 Neuvillette's tone was so serious even I had to straighten my back under the pressure and it wasn't even directed at me.

 "If something happens to Pers while we're down there, I should come up with him immediately. If he were to sink below a point where I think I should go, I should leave him and tell you about it." Freminet said.

 As soon as those words came from his mouth, Neuvillette softened and reached to the back to pat his head.

 "Good job. Just hold to that." He smiled gently.

 In the rearview mirror, I saw how a blush instantly spread across Freminet's face.

 "O-Okay." He muttered.

 "Hey, I want a head pat too!" Sigewinne protested.

 "Well, of course, princess." Neuvillette chuckled, patting her head too.

 When we arrived at the swimming pool I started to doubt whether or not we would be allowed inside at all.

 Like damn... It looks like you could ask for money just because someone looked at this place.

 It was a large building. I couldn't really see how big it was from this angle, but it was really big.

 The walls were made mostly out of a darker glass. It was a type that blocked the more intense rays from the sun, Neuvillette explained.

 He also said it was privately owned, but...

 "Who the hell owns this place?" I muttered.

 "Uncle Neuvillette does." A voice suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts.

 I turned to look at Freminet in shock.

 "Uncle Neuvillette owns it. Well, he kind of. He said it was co-owned by an old friend of his but I never met them." He explained.

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