Chapter 29 - Charges

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This should be the last chapter where I have to put a trigger warning.

 I hope.

 TW for mentions of abuse and a whole bunch of implied horrible acts.

 They aren't described, but I thought I should still put the warning for those with... colorful imaginations. 



Wriothesley's POV

 To say that I had the urge to kill would be a severe understatement of what I'm feeling right now.

 At the moment, I wished I could go back in time and kill that woman myself in a way far more painful than being shot.

 How could she...

 A mother to her own child...

 How could she do something like that?! 


 My eyes drifted over to one of the last sentences of the conversation.

 They were arguing about how much money they could still make off of me.

 Were they planning to sell him off?

 Just like...


 I barely held back a self-mocking laugh.

 It appears our pasts are far too similar for our own good.

 But at least...

 Even if it was far too late, I wished to tell him the words I wanted to hear more than anything back then.

 Not words of blame. Not words of judgment.

 I tightened my hold around his hand, drawing his attention away from the file and to me.

 There was a hint of dread in his eyes.

 Was he afraid that I would somehow blame him for his actions?

 Honestly, I of all people had no right to blame anyone for doing something like this.

 Not that I would have.

 No one should have the right to condemn him for his actions.

 What I want to tell him is...

 "You did your best."


 "While it might not have been enough for our society, it was the best you could manage in the situation you were thrown into. It was not your fault you ended up there. There is nothing better you could have done. You did your best and that's enough."

 Those words I wanted to hear more than anything back then.

 Words I never got to hear.

 Words I at least got to say.

 His eyes filled with shock.

 He just stared at me in silence, opening his mouth to say something a few times only to close it without saying anything.

 Suddenly, a low buzzing sound broke the silence.

 Neuvillette looked like a frightened rabbit shocked by sudden noise as his hand shot towards his phone.

 "Hello?" He picked up without even looking at the caller.

 "Good to know you're awake. Good morning." The man on the other end said.

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