Chapter 21 - One bad move to doom you fate

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Wriothesley's POV

 In the end, the two refused to back out from the deal.

 "You two do know that you are incredibly frustrating, right?"

 "Yep!" Sigewinne nodded cheerfully.

 "You have mentioned it previously, yes." Neuvillette nodded as well.

 It was then that it hit me.

 I am acting awfully casually with Neuvillette all of a sudden, aren't I?

 I picked up the attitude from Sigewinne without realizing it.

 "Dad! Dad, you should ask him about how many degrees he has! It's amazing!" Sigewinne exclaimed suddenly, drawing me out of my thoughts.

 Neuvillette on the other hand just sighed.

 "Should I?" I asked.

 "Please don't. Her reaction is very over the top. My record is not that impressive." He sighed again, only for Sigewinne to pout.

 "That's not true! He's downplaying it!"

 "I am doing no such-"

 "He has three PhDs!" Sigewinne interrupted him.


 How many?

 "Criminal justice, legal studies, and child psychology." She recounted.

 The first two I understand, but...

 "Child psychology?"

 That is an odd one.

 "I am fond of children. I was also incredibly bored and had nothing better to do." Neuvillette explained calmly.

 You got a PhD because you were bored?

 And you are only 36!

 Can you not act so casually about having three of these?!

 "Ah! There is something I keep forgetting to ask." Neuvillette exclaimed suddenly.

 I could clearly feel the attempt at changing the subject


 "How long are you planning on staying? Oh, dear. I did not mean for it to come out that way. My apologies. I'm not trying to kick you out. I- I just phrased it a bit wrongly."

 "It's alright." I interrupted his rambling.


 The icy straight-faced lawyer is so different in private.

 As for his question...

 I was planning on just staying overnight, but after some thinking last night, I do have to admit that it is not very plausible for me to find somewhere for us to stay over long periods of time.

 The rent at our last place was incredibly low due to some circumstances.

 That's why we could afford to live comfortably while still paying Sigewinne's school fees.

 But now...

 I doubt I can find another place with rent so low on short notice, let alone in a mere day.

 I would have to ask Sigewinne to move to a public school, but I really don't want to put her through that.


 I have to just push down my pride and ask.

 "I'm ashamed, but I have to ask if it would be alright if we stayed a few days longer."

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