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Samuel rushed to Ember's apartment after getting her call. He was worried about Kali. Especially since his sister told him she had called her, sounding panicked and distressed. He didn't know how the conversation with Richard went, but he wasn't sure he even wanted to know.

"Where is she?"

"Sleeping." Ember let him into the apartment. "I gave her a hot cup of tea and some sleeping pills. She needed the rest."

"Thank you."

"Come on."

She led him to the guest room and opened the door. Samuel went to her. He knelt and touched her head hesitantly. She looked better than when she left the house. There was that, at least.

"Let her sleep," Ember whispered, holding the door open and signalling him out.

They went to the living room, and she left to get him some water. Samuel stretched out on the couch. He threw his arm over his eyes and listened to the noise as Ember moved around.

"Here. Drink this."

He peeked from under his arm and shook his head. "I am fine."

"It's cold. It will help."

"I mean it. I am fine." He sat up but still didn't take the glass. "What would make me feel better is talking to you."

"Me?" She smiled, setting the glass down.

"Yes. I want to tell you something, but promise you'll forgive me and not be mad."

"Before or after you tell me?"


"Are you kidding me?"

"No. It's important, and I need your help. Plus, I don't want to lie anymore."

"But you won't tell me unless I forgive you?"

"Yeah, and Kali, too."

"Kali is involved in this? Is that why she was like that today?"

"She is. And yes."

"That's not fair. I need to know what it is before I start handing out forgiveness. I mean, is it bad?"

"I don't even know anymore. But call it even since you won't tell me about Peter. And I forgave you for that."

"That's not fair."

"Yeah, so is keeping Peter's secret for him even after you promised to tell me. Do we have a deal or not?" She bit her lip and nodded stubbornly. "I don't need a head shake. I want to hear it."

She huffed. "I promise not to be mad at you or Kali. I promise to forgive you whatever it is that you say."

"Kali and I are in a relationship."

A heavy second passed. "Are you kidding me? What am I supposed to forgive about that."

"No, sorry, bad way to start. Kali and I are in a relationship. When we married we didn't love each other. The first day I met was the day I asked her to marry me."

"I am not understanding. You said you broke up with Flora because you had been seeing Kali for three months."

"I lied."


"Mom asked me to."

"Since when did you care to do such a thing for her?"

Samuel slapped the back of his head. If he needed to do this, he needed to say everything at a go because taking things one by one would only agitate Ember.

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