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"Hey." Kali smiled as she heard Samuel's greeting. "How's it going?"

"Same as yesterday. I called to tell you I'd be late again today."


She heard a door close and the jangling of keys. "Did you get home right now?"

"Yes. I spent some time with Peter at the mansion. We talked, and time escaped me."

"I hope things are fine?"

"They are good."

"Fine. See you later."

"Take care."

She placed her phone down and collapsed back on her seat. Even with all the work she had to do, her mind travelled back and forth between the present and the past. Samuel didn't say much about their run-in with Flora, and she didn't push him to. With his relationship, she only listened and gave as little of her opinion as possible. No matter how close they were as friends, she believed his decisions regarding the woman he loved were his and his alone.

Flora had barely looked at them on the street. She said hello and goodbye, but there was no emotion behind her eyes. She might have reached the indifference stage of her anger.

Kali wondered if Samuel's worst fears were coming true. If Flora was doing more to heal from the heartbreak and forget him entirely. She wondered how he felt about it and then caught herself.

"What does it matter?" She scolded under her breath, shaking her head, returning to the problem on her screen.

Everything that night had gone so well. Samuel had lost some of the tension that remained after he confessed his feelings towards her. He was back to being chirpy and open. They had taken a walk after their meal and had a good time, laughing at silly things without overthinking. After they met her, they found it hard to go back to making jokes and simply enjoying the night.

She couldn't blame him. Flora had the mercy of not knowing the truth, but Kali believed if she did, her attitude towards Samuel would haunt her as it did him.

"Goodnight, Kali. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight." She sighed, lifting her head to see the rest of her coworkers clear out before staring back at her computer.

She worked for another hour before deciding to go home and fight the battle the next day. Her mind wasn't in the right place, and she needed some rest to clear her head. There was no use forcing things.

Kali grabbed her purse and poured all her personal items into it. She got into the car and pushed the start button, but nothing happened. Confused, she pressed it again and ended up with the same result. Realising her car wouldn't start, she groaned, slamming her head against the wheel.

What a marvellous way to end a long day in the office. She got out of the car and popped the hood open. Not that she knew what to do in these situations. She just wanted to check the equipment she did understand. There was nothing out of place.

"Great." She whispered, slamming the hood shut.

She looked at the time and grumbled. It was eight minutes past eleven. She called Samuel an hour ago to tell him she would be late, but she didn't imagine she would finish so late in the night. Even worse, she had to take a taxi as her car decided to choose today, of all days, to abandon her.

Frustrated, she went for her purse to try and call a tow. The sound of another car speeding down the ramp made her perk up. She whipped her head around to catch a black jeep moving in her direction. Before she could duck into her window again, the car stopped suddenly in front of hers.

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