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The phone was ringing. Kali moaned, turning away and tucking herself into a more comfortable position in the sheets. She wasn't ready to get out of bed and begin another work day, and from a quick peek at her surroundings, she knew she had more time. It was still dark out, and the weather made it easier to be lulled back into sleep.

It took a while for her brain to catch up and realise that the ringing wasn't her alarm. It was someone calling her phone. She sat up, kicking the blanket off and crawling over to snatch her phone from the nightstand. It was Samuel.


"You need to get down here."

She dug her knuckles into her eyes and yawned loud and long. "Samuel, it's five thirty. What are you doing out of bed so early?"

"I heard a noise and came down to check. I need you to come down with the bug spray from the bathroom."

She groaned, dragging herself out of bed and walking to the bathroom to get what he asked. "What kind of bug makes enough noise to get you out of bed in the morning?"

"The kind I am trying to kill. Get down here, please. I don't want to take my eyes off it."

"Alright. Alright. Keep your head on your neck. I am coming."

She tossed her phone aside and started downstairs, her eyes still drooping from sleep. She never knew Samuel to be scared to death of bugs that he couldn't leave it to rest until it was brighter in the morning. She was tired.

"Samuel!" She called out when she got downstairs. "Where are you?"


She made her way there, mindlessly pushing the door open. Suddenly, the lights flickered on, and the sound of a party whistle going off stunned her even further. She yelped and jumped away, aiming the spray in defence before hearing Samuel's voice.

"Don't you dare spray that at me."

"Samuel!" She screamed when she found her voice. Instead of spraying, she grabbed the spray and hurled it across the room. "What's wrong with you? You nearly killed me."

"I suppose that's how surprises generally work."

The shock was clearing out slowly, and she could see the room better after her eyes adjusted to the brightness. She spotted the counter covered in large white vases of gardenias. Bars of chocolate covered any exposed area on the counter, and a large placard stood on the centre of the table, high above the flowers. It read, 'Happy birthday, big sister'.

Finally understanding, she sighed dreamily, raising her hand to her chest as she sang. "June?"

Samuel chuckled while he held his phone up. "Yeah."

He flipped the screen around, and her sister's bright smile reached through the phone screen. "Hey, Kali."

"You little scoundrel. How did you get Samuel involved in this?"

"She had this planned for weeks. I couldn't find a reason to say no."

"It's tradition."

"Tradition that I want banned." Kali laughed, walking over to the counter.

"Never." June shook her head. "Samuel, in three, two, one."

On the count of one, they broke out singing a long, hearty, happy birthday song. Already forgetting her lost sleep, she sat on the stool, listening to them sing while her heart soared like a bird. It had been years since her sister could properly practice her little birthday tradition.

In the past, she'd call at five thirty and wish her a happy birthday because five-thirty was the time Kali was born. At home, before Kali moved, June and their mother would dress the table with a few of her favourite things. Sometimes, it was flowers, biscuits or chocolates. Other times, it was a spread of hearty foods and drinks.

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