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On the last night, after a long day of celebrating Peter's birthday, everyone gathered around the large pit fire to have some drinks. Their parents went to bed early. They played a round of games, then moved to relieve the week before falling into conversations about their plans for the coming week.

When they ran out of drinks, Samuel and Ember went to the nearest bar to pick up another round. As he waited, he watched everyone on the beach, especially his older brother.

"Have you spoken to him?"

Ember glanced up from her phone, looking over her shoulder at their small party of friends. "Peter?"

"Yes. You said you would."

They had that conversation weeks ago after he confirmed her suspicions about Peter's change in behaviour. Since then, he waited, wondering when she'd do it or if she'd ever find the right moment. Ember never brought it up again, but watching his brother all week renewed his worry.

"Yes. I have spoken to him." Ember replied.


"I can't say."

"Are you kidding me? You said you'd tell me."

"The only way I got anything out of him was by swearing I would tell no one else."

"Well...was it...bad?" She sighed, and he touched her arm. "You don't have to tell me what it was. Just answer that."

She sombered, nodding faintly. "It was."

"What can I do?"

"Nothing. He likes feeling normal. Don't start getting weird on him, or he'd know I said something."

"I won't."

"Let's get back."

They returned to the fire, and Kali looked at him. She sat back, and he sat between her legs, bracing his hands on her lap while Remi continued to share her story. She took them through the setting up of her gym and how pigheaded Peter was when it came to working out because he felt it wasn't the right fit at first.

"Isn't boxing bad for business? You can't appear at meetings looking like you went rounds with Ali."

Peter chuckled at Kali's jest. "The guys at the gym are kind to me. They treat my face well. The rest of me...not so much."

"Oh, it's just love taps." Manny, one of Peter's friends and his sparing partner, stepped in. "You should see how the rest of us practice. We treat him like the magazine cover baby he is."

Samuel laughed, taking a sip of beer from his bottle. He tried not to look at Peter too carefully, keeping everything Ember said in mind.

"Samuel, you should stop by sometime." Remi encouraged

"Oh, no." he scoffed. "The only thing I am fit enough for is running."

"Don't be scared of Manny. It's because your brother wants to spar. You can join for defence classes and training. They won't hit you unless you want them to."

"You never know when you might need it." Manny shrugged.

"That's a fact. I'll take my chances, though."

They shared a toast. Samuel took a swig of his beer and craned his neck back to look up at Kali. She was busying herself, pulling his hair one way, then another. When their eyes met, he stuck his tongue out at her, and she scrunched her nose, pinching his cheek.

"Well. I'll be heading in now." Remi waved as she stood, and to Samuel's surprise, Peter stood as well. "Good night."

"Good night." They all replied.

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