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Kali took the apron off and handed it to one of the girls working in the house. Ember was in the parlour, waiting for Kali to join her, but she took her time. First, she instructed them on the rest of the work they needed to do in the kitchen and the dining area. Next, A prepared a small tray of treats for her guest. There was no one else to attend to her. Samuel had left to get supplies, and Kali had no idea when he'd return.

After living with the man for months on their honeymoon and now that they were back, she had learned a few things. He had faults, but Samuel was otherwise more kind than unkind. Even when he said hurtful things, usually without thinking, he didn't let time pass before apologising.

Since he held Ember on such a high pedestal, Kali could only assume that the woman was more decent than her mother. It meant she couldn't be as sarcastic or cold as she was whenever she spoke with Giovanna.

"Thank you." Ember graciously took the glass she offered and relaxed into the seat with a sigh. "I am sorry for showing up unannounced. I meant to surprise my brother and ended up causing some trouble."

"No trouble at all."

"You seem a little busy."

Kali looked towards the kitchen, then at Ember, her brows scrunching closer in thought. "No one told you about the dinner tonight?"


"Yes, your entire family is coming to our house for dinner later today." Kali reached for the plate of desserts and offered some to Ember. "I am just preparing for the evening."

"No one mentioned it, but I will be there. Hope you don't mind adding another plate to the table." Ember laughed carefreely and looked around the room. She stared at the pictures that decorated the living room. They were all from the wedding. "I want to congratulate you and sincerely apologise for missing the wedding. It came as such a shock to me. I hope my galoot of a brother is treating you well."

"Better than well." Kali took a bit of the cookie.

Ember seemed to have the same optimistic outlook as her father, which was the only trait she shared with the man. Her eyes and hair belonged to her mother, height as well, by the looks of it. It was the same with Samuel and Peter. The only Madden that took a lot from Timothy was Giovanna, which, in itself, was an ironic joke of nature.

The girl was bad-natured, spoiled, entitled, loose-mouthed and unthinking. Everything her father was not. Genetics-wise, she was taller than the other women in the family and almost as tall as Peter, the tallest child.

"I hope you don't mind that I want to get to know you."

"Of course, we can get to know each other. You will be coming here often, I suppose." Ember carefully nodded. "Well, we wouldn't want to walk on eggshells around each other."

"You just gonna ignore the friend part, aren't you?"

"Of course not. I'd love it if we could be friends. Compared to my track record with the family, having a good relationship will be a welcome change. How long will you be staying?"

"A few months." She answered vaguely. Ember took in the house. Her eyes ate up every object, every piece of equipment. "The house is lovely. Did you design it?"

"My sister and I mostly, yes." Kali didn't need to mention that Samuel couldn't care less what the house looked like. If not for the fact that she didn't want to live in a house that felt foreign for the rest of her life, she would not have done anything either. This way, it felt like home, somewhere she could be comfortable.

The door opened, and Samuel walked in carrying a box in his hand. Surprise shocked him still, and the butler helped him carry the box away, leaving him to stand at the door with his mouth open.

Ember dropped her glass and stepped forward, arms wide open. The man remained at the door, not moving or saying a word. A myriad of emotions cascaded through his face. Kali felt bad for Samuel because she had been in his position before. It was like seeing her sister cheerful but unable to tell her that she was miserable.

"Yes, it's me. Don't swallow your tongue."

Ember rushed into his arms, and Samuel hugged her closely. They laughed, wrapping their arms tightly across each other. It was a rare sound to hear her husband laugh. It wasn't something he did often.

"I can't believe it," Samuel whispered.

"I know," Ember chuckled when they finally pulled away to face each other. "I thought I better come in before things change more than they have."

"I see you have met Kali," Samuel commented when their eyes finally met, and Ember nodded.

"Welcome, back." She greeted him, and he nodded casually, allowing her to kiss his cheek. Kali casually threw a wholesome smile at her guest as she leaned close to shake her hand. "Sorry, I'll leave him to entertain you. I need to go up and change."

"It was a pleasure. Hopefully, I would get to know you better tonight."

"Of course."

Kali left them and went up to the room. She closed the door and leaned against it, with her eyes closed as she tried to relax. It was a big night she had ahead of her because her sister would be there too. For months she had spoken a word to Ysabel, but the dinner was the start of what would become a long-standing battle between her mother-in-law and herself. She had three hours more to get ready, so she needed to get herself together.

So, while Samuel spoke with Ember, Kali took the time to shower. She didn't have a dress planned for the night. Her original idea had lost its spark, and she planned to take some time to look for a better alternative. Something elegant, captivating, and preferably something that appeared expensive.

"Is she gone?" Kali asked from the bathroom when she heard the bedroom door close.

"Yeah. She would be back for dinner with the rest of the family." Grabbing the robe from the hanger, she wrapped it around her waist and walked out to the room.

"You're finished with everything?"

"Yes, I left them to set the table while I get ready. They know what to do."

She strutted into the room, fidgeting with a pin in her bun. Then she noticed the box sitting on the bed. Kali looked over her shoulder at Samuel. He was busy still searching the drawers, not paying attention to her.

Curiously she dragged her finger across the roughed surface of the cardboard box.

"What is this?"

Samuel looked up. "I got you something to wear for tonight. I saw some of the dresses you had in the closet, so I hope the style suits you. I am not a big expert on fashion. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to."

He disappeared before she could choke out a reply. The door closed, banging her into reality, and she lowered herself to the bed. She lifted the cover and then picked up the dress. Kali couldn't bury the smile that spread across her lips, staring at one of the most glorious styles she had ever seen. Besides the dress was a pair of shoes from a brand she recognized. Kali could easily draw up the price in her mind. She had no idea why he would gift them to her, but she knew exactly how to use them to her advantage.

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