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Kali returned home that night and only had enough energy to walk up her stairs and drag herself to the nearest couch. Work wasn't as hard as the first day she went, but she was still in her transitional period. She was not only working full-time at the office, but she also tried to maintain her previous clients. It was proving difficult, but she was determined to find a balance.

When hunger broke through her exhaustion, she strolled languidly to the kitchen and went straight for the fridge. The first thing that caught her eyes was a large sheet of paper plastered on the body of the fridge with a note written by her sister.

"Yes. I came by without some goods for the fridge. I know you have cooks for that, but I wanted to surprise you. I hope this does surprise you."

Kali opened the fridge, and it didn't take her long to pinpoint what her sister had sneaked in. She smiled and picked up the pie on the first shelf of the fridge.

"Hey." June's peppy answer made Kali smile even more as she picked up a plate and fork.

"Hey, right back."

"You got my surprise?"

"I did." She placed the tray on the table. "When did you learn to make this?"

"A few weeks ago. I have been practising after I found your cookbook in the room."

"What? That's still there?"

"I guess. Quite some interesting recipes you have here."

"They were from college."

"I figured. The book looks ancient." June chuckled. "How's my brother-in-law?"

"Still at work, but don't worry, I'll save some for him." She put the phone on speaker as she began cutting a hefty piece of pie for herself.

"Good. How was your day?"

"Solid. I am getting the hang of waking up to work in an office." Kali began to dig in, taking spoonfuls of the pie and wolfing down the first piece. "Wow. This is great."

"I am glad you like it. Eat decently, now. Don't choke on me."

"Oh, shut it. You have no idea how hungry I am."

"Didn't you pack any lunch today?"

"Sandwiches. They did little for me."

"I see how that's possible." "I'll let you enjoy your meal. I have a date with my television."

"Alright. Goodnight, sweetheart. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Bet on it."

Kali unbuttoned her shirt and took it off, then kicked her shoes to the side of the table. A few seconds later, the door opened, and Samuel walked in.

"Hey." She waved with her fork, and he replied with a grunt. "Come, join me?"

"What's that?"

"Lemon pie. You like?"

"Never had some."

"Seriously?" He nodded and sank into the chair beside her. It gave her a momentary pause of surprise that he sat so close, seeing as he seemed to be avoiding close contact with her all week.

"Is it good?"

"I adore it. It was one of the things I learnt to make when I came to the city because my roommate in college always brought some with her whenever she returned from visiting home. It was delicious."

"I'll take a slice then. I am famished."

She cut a generous slice of pie from the plate and dropped it on her plate. She got another fork and glass cup from the kitchen and handed it to Samuel.

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