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Christen walked into her house, grateful to step out of her heels after spending hours on her feet at Daniel's house. The soles of her feet were sore from being stuffed in her heels for so long. The dinner had been eventful, so much time was spent interacting with guests and family members. It felt like she had been standing for ages.

It didn't usually bother her, but her mood was greatly affected by the pity she felt for her friend. Seeing Samuel at the party was what Flora needed to get over him. He was happily married, and his wife hung on his every word. She supported him and seemed enamoured by him. It also didn't skip her attention that Kali wasn't in the best of relationships with Ysabel either.

"You are back."

Christen jumped, panicked but immediately realised who it was. "Flora?"

"Yes. Don't tell me you forgot I was coming over."

"No." Christen blurted, then shook her head. "Yes, I did."

"Poor thing, I should have cancelled and rescheduled for another day. You must be exhausted."

"It's nothing. Sorry. Let me change and wash my face, and I will be alright. Can you brew some coffee? I am tuckered out."

"Sure thing. Long night, huh?"

"You have no idea. I'll be right out."

She didn't take long to change out of her gown and into something more comfortable. When she walked back out, Flora had set up the tv and snacks on the table. She was sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table, beading. Christen joined her, cutting off a lengthy string from the fishing line.

After sitting through three episodes of the reality show, Flora finally blurted. "Well? How was it? Or will you dance around the topic like I am some ceramic doll you are scared of shattering?"

"It was a dinner."

"That's all you have to say?"

"Flora, I am not dumb. You don't care about the dinner. You only care about knowing what Samuel did."

"That's not true," Flora uttered defensively, throwing the beads into the bowl with jerky movements. "I know I haven't been myself since the breakup, but it doesn't mean I don't care about the things that concern you. When have you never told me how a dinner with Daniel's parents went? We are friends. I am interested in getting that back."

Embarrassed, Christen looked away. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you only cared about Samuel."

"I don't blame you. I have been pretty one-minded recently."

Deciding to complete the issue since it was already started, Christen pushed her glass away and propped her arms on the table. "I am going to tell you this because I think the more you know the easier it would be to see Samuel has moved on with his life. He came to the dinner with his wife."

"I really don't want to know about him. I didn't ask because of that."

"And I believe you, but I also believe you are still letting this candle of hope burn. You are setting yourself on fire with it. You never want to hear anything about his wife, as if you are trying to imagine that she doesn't exist and you are only taking a break from each other. You are not."

Flora looked away, chagrined. "I already met her. It's not like I can't pretend I haven't."

"But it is what you are trying to do." Christine pushed. "Today he was at that dinner, and they were happy. He was happy. She moved everywhere with him and kept him company most of the time."

"I am not surprised." Flora plunked into the seat, staring at her plate of food. "When we were together, he liked to take me everywhere. Even if the invitation was just for him. He took me on his arm with pride."

"And now that honour belongs to his wife. Flora, please stop killing yourself. The reason I jumped to the conclusion I had earlier is each time I say something, the next words out of your mouth are about what Samuel did with you in the past. It's in the past."

"Don't be cruel. I am trying, I swear I am. What do you want me to do? Jump into the arms of another man, only to forget Samuel?"

Christen took her hand. "I would never as you to do that. Never. But you have to start from somewhere. If you continue like this, your emotions might overwhelm you or turn to hatred, and that's not who you are. Samuel can't hurt you. He can't be cruel to you, so you need to stop waiting for him to do so before you move on."

"I should never have told you about that visit."

"You should never have asked him for such a thing. He might have made some mistakes, but you know he isn't a bad person. If he was, he would have done all the hurting the day he broke up with you."

Flora remained silent for a moment, then, on a sigh, her shoulder's sagged. "I know."

"Then leave him out of your life. Move on from him."

"I want to. I threw out everything Samuel gave me, everything he owned, but those are materials. I can not throw him out of my heart or my mind. No matter how badly I want to. Would it be easy for you if the same happened with Daniel?"

Christen rushed to answer but immediately fell silent to think about her answer. It was easy to say she would behave differently from Flora. She grew up with a father who was insistent on not forcing anyone to love him or chasing after people who made it clear they didn't value him. He instilled those into her, and as she grew up, she lived by them. When she broke up with a boyfriend, the relationship ended there. If he cheated, there was no drama or questions, she simply walked out.

The only thing that kept her from answering quickly was Daniel was the only boyfriend that lasted more than a few months and even over a year. He had become ingrained in her everyday life more than any other man she dated in the past.

"I would like to think I would walk away from everything if Daniel did that to me." She started carefully, choosing her words wisely. "I would like to think I'd feel too disappointed to continue after him. But the truth is I don't know what I'd do or how I'd react. The truth is I am not in your situation."


"My advice isn't from what I'd do. It's what I think is best for you. Because I am on the outside looking in and what I am looking at hurts me."

"What I see hurts me too, but let me heal the way I know how. Please. If it's faking it till I make it let me do that."


"Trust that I will come out of this. But it won't happen if you keep trying to hammer it into me. Reminding me he is with someone else doesn't work on me the way you think."

"So, I should just let things be?"

"Yes. Unless I do something stupid and crazy like going to his office and kissing him. Then you can give me all the lectures you want."

Christen stared at her before conceding. "Fine. I'll back off."

"Good. Now, please tell me how the dinner went."

"Okay." Christen giggled, reaching into the bowl for a handful of beads.

The television was muted for the rest of the night while she filled Flora in on all the gossip and outfits that were present at Daniel's house. 

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