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Kali wiped her face hard, using her palm and the back of her hand until every tear was gone. She needed to get her head right if she wanted to be standing at the end of the day. She waited in her car until she got her composure. Kali got down when she felt relatively ready and rang the bell on the gate.

"Richard. It's me." She spoke into the microphone, keeping herself in view of the cameras.

The gate unlocked, and she walked in. She couldn't bring herself to go in and didn't answer the phone when Richard called. She remained on the lawn, looking at the mansion and waiting for him to come out. There was nothing that would make her enter that house again. If not for her dignity, then out of courtesy.

If she entered his home, her anger would lead her to behave irrationally. There were too many things she could grab and destroy. Out here, all she had was herself.

"Kali." Richard smiled when he came out to meet her. "I am surprised to see you here."

"I am surprised to be here."

He was happy to see her, and she was ready to pour everything at his feet, but there was one thing she wanted to clear up before she did. She steeled herself when he touched her shoulder. And she didn't flounder when he kissed her cheeks.

"I am happy to see you."

"I don't know why. I have been so rude and unfair. Well, not unfair because you deserved my anger."

"You are right. I wasn't honest with you. You have no idea how much I missed you. Come in."

"No. No."

"I thought you came here to talk."

"Yes, but I want to talk out here first. There is something I want to get out of my chest."

"Sure. What is it."

She shrugged his hand off her shoulder and hugged herself. "I slept with him. Samuel. He and I...we started a relationship of some sort. I trust him, and he makes me feel safe."

"Why are you telling me this."

"Because I don't know anymore. You, him, and the thing with Ysabel. I am tired. I have tried to start anew, and I am still stuck."

"You love me still, right? That's why this is bothering you so much." He touched her cheek, his fingers almost featherlike as they moved over her skin. "Your anger has faded. Hasn't it?"

"I don't know. I am confused."

"Then take my hand. I promised you I'd help with Ysabel. You don't have to worry. I'll always be here to protect you."


"We'll figure something out. I promise you."

She swallowed her outrage, closing her eyes from the frustration. "And Samuel? Do you hate me for..."

"No. Of course not. We'll figure everything out."

"He and I are...together...you understand that?"

"I do. But your marriage isn't real. It's Ysabel's construct. She was doing it to get back at me, and you went along to spite me."

"How does she get back at you?"

"To make you hate me. But it didn't work. Now we are together, and I'll be here for you. Samuel is also in love with his other girlfriend. Once this whole thing is over, you'll see your feelings for him are not real. Not like what we had. What we have."

"So you want us to be together, still?"

"It's all I have wanted. To be with you and keep you safe. I've missed you."

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