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"You can not be serious. You really are in love with someone else?" Samuel flinched and pulled the phone away from his ears, turning the speaker on while his sister ranted so he could dress without going deaf.

Since she moved to Germany, Ember had never returned home. She was absent at most family gatherings, not that she missed much. When it was Christmas or any other holiday, she would call in and speak with the family. She finished her Masters and started working there. The last time he challenged her to say something in German, she was able to give him entire passages in German. Their relationship had become strained due to the distance but, after so long apart they learned to make things work, still keeping in touch through video calls and chats. It had taken a lot of courage to tell her he ended things with Flora, but everyone in his house already knew; he didn't want one of his siblings letting it slip.

As predicted, her reaction was to go berserk at the news. She continued to rant on the phone as he stood in front of the mirror, fussing with his hair. He grabbed a jacket from the wardrobe and threw it on over his t-shirt.

"Ember, calm down."

"I am sorry I just can't believe this. I have known Flora for four years; you have been together for four years. What happened all of a sudden?"

Samuel sat on his bed and looked at the ring his mother had picked out. He didn't even get the chance to chose what he would purpose with. Samuel was glad his mother didn't request that he use the ring he bought for Flora. That would have sent him into a frenzy. He would meet this new girl for the first time in his life, and his mother expected him to propose to her on the same day. Then bring her over to the house and introduce her to his family before marrying her within a month. He didn't know if the grandeur of the ring was to torment him or just his mother's inability to buy anything simple.

"I told you that I don't have time to explain anything right now. I have..." he sighed heavily and eyed the ring again. "I have somewhere to be."

"Sammy, are you sure about this? I mean I have heard stories of people falling for someone at first sight, and so on, but still. This is a lot to take in especially coming from you. What's this girl's name? What's she like? Hobbies? Does she have a job?"

"I'll tell you later, Em. I really can't right now."

Ember relented, and he buried his face in his hands. Her name was Kali Hastings. She had a younger sister that lived in another state and worked as a freelance website creator and IT expert or something along those areas. He didn't know her hobbies or things she liked, like her favourite colours or food. He only knew the things his mother felt were relevant, and people's likes were never her strong suit. There was no picture of her either, why? He didn't bother to ask. He would see her today anyway.

Not wanting to waste any more time on the grim nightmare his life had become, Samuel closed the box and stuffed it into his pocket. He grabbed his keys and checked his phone for the address his mother sent before he left the house.


Kali turned from left to right, assessing her outfit. She liked to be nicely dressed whenever she went out; that meant picking out the right colours to mix and doing her hair neatly. Since this was a date with a man she had never met, a man that had bought her and indirectly ruined her life, she didn't want to look like she put in effort. Frustrated, she plunked down on her bed and rested her elbows on her knees. It had been four days since she accepted Ysabel's proposal, and she still felt internally sick.

Her phone vibrated beside her. She picked it up to read the message. "Good afternoon, ma'am. I am downstairs."

She dropped her crossed leg and jumped to her feet. "This is the first of many steps you need to take. Shoulders back, chin up. You will take this with dignity and never let any of them see you break."

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