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Samuel kept his hand on the small of Kali's back while the doctor gave them a rundown of everything that happened before they arrived. June was still in surgery. She had been shot twice during the robbery, and her condition when she arrived was critical. He didn't mention any complications, but the monotone voice with which spoke didn't seem to give a stock still Kali any relief.

The doctor left, but Kali remained frozen on the spot, her eyes glued to his retreating back. Samuel came around to look at her,

alarmed when he noticed the sharp rise and fall of her chest.

"Kali, let's not panic."

"I ca-can-can't do it again. I w-on't be able to take it."

He wanted to promise her everything would be fine, but he couldn't bring himself to say the words. Instead, he held her by the shoulders and urged her to look at his face.

"You are not alone. I am here with you. You need to breathe and calm down."

"I can't lose her. I can't lo-lose another person I love. I can't."

He hugged her as he did before, making sure his arms created enough pressure on her sides. She trembled, muttering doubts against his neck, her tears wetting his skin.

"She is all I have."

"I know."

"This can't be happening."

"I am right here. I am here with you."

He felt her nails bite into his back and arm but simply swayed her in his arms. He felt the choppiness of each breath as she tried to breathe, and he held her even tighter. It was lucky that she had an episode some days back because he knew what to do, thanks to that.

It took a while for her to settle, so they remained standing in the waiting area. When she was calmer, Samuel took her by the shoulders and led her to the rows of seats in the room. He helped her sit, stripping out of his coat before he joined her on the bench.

"Try and relax. Lie down and close your eyes."

She tearfully shook her head, her breathing still shaking and unstable. "No. No. I have to be alert."

"I know. I'll help with that." He encouraged her to rest her head on his lap. "Just close your eyes and fill your head with happy thoughts. Anxiety wouldn't help your sister, and it wouldn't help you."

"I am sorry. I am su-such a m-m-mess."

"Please don't apologize." He stroked her hair away from her face, keeping his voice sturdy but soft. "Close your eyes and think about something else. Do that for me, please. Okay?

Kali nodded, closing her eyes, a long sigh escaping from her lips. Samuel continued to comb his fingers through her hair, feeling her body relax, the tension seeping from her muscles. In time, she was asleep. Samuel picked his coat from the seat and draped it over her to keep her warm while she slept. Once he was sure she was deep in sleep, he leaned his head back on the wall and closed his eyes.

"Samuel." His eyes flew open. He turned towards the entrance and saw Ember rushing towards him. "I came as soon as I could. How did this happen? What happened?"

He lifted his index finger to his lips, and she nodded in understanding. "Can I have your jacket, please?"

Ember took her jacket off and handed it to him. He proceeded to roll it up and tucked it underneath Kali's head as he slid out from under her. She stirred but ultimately fell asleep again.

"What happened?"

"Apparently, she went into a convenience store and was shot by some robbers. They are still having surgery, and Kali..." He bit his tongue, not wanting to mention that she had another episode. "Kali is just exhausted from everything. I don't want to wake her until the doctor comes with news. I pray he comes out with good news, or I wouldn't know how to wake her. She loves her sister very much."

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