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"I am on my way to the house now."

"You've picked her up already?"

"No need to waste time," Samuel replied, turning to the rearview mirror.

Giovanna sat in the back, strapped in with her headphones on and her eyes glued to the screen of her phone. They had decided that he would pick her up from school so they could talk at home and sort things out. He promised she could stay as long as she wanted, so long as they spoke to their parents.

"Alright. Be safe."

"You too."

As the call dropped, he checked in on Giovanna again. She had not said a word when he picked her up from school, but from the whispers, he picked from her friend, he had learnt there was more to the story than she told anyone. For some reason, her friends at school were surprised that her "boyfriend" didn't come to pick her up again. For whatever reason, Giovanna decided to kiss Vincent to convince her preppy girlfriends that they were dating.

He didn't touch that topic yet. They could discuss it when they got back to his place. For now, they had other arguments to finish.

"We are here," Samuel announced with a snap of his finger to get Giovanna's attention. "Let's go."

"Do I really have to do this?"

"Yes. Get out of this car."

Though reluctant, they made it into the house and to their mother's study. Inside, their father gathered her into his arms, and Giovanna meekly hugged him back. Samuel waved at his dad and took a seat by the window while the two spoke between themselves.

"You don't run out of the house at night, no matter how angry you are."

"I know."

"You don't run out without calling or talking to anyone."

"Yes, Dad."

"Can you promise me you'd never do anything like that again, please?"

"I promise, but it's nothing to worry over. I went straight to Samuel's and he let me stay the night."

"I heard he is letting you stay more than a night." His father directed at him.

"I'll let her stay as long as she wants."

"She is coming back today." Their mother boomed into the room, shutting the door with a resounding bang.

Whatever fight they started the previous night was clearly not over. Not that Samuel was surprised. His mother was a classist. Giovanna didn't have to be dating Vincent for her to be repulsed. The mere fact that they had intimacy of any kind, even if it was holding hands, would be enough to make her spiral.

"Good evening, mom." Giovanna remained otherwise calm. "Samuel said you guys still wanted to talk to me."

"You are coming back today."

"No, I am not. Samuel said I could stay. I am staying with him."

"I have had enough of you throwing your little tantrums and getting away with it. I don't know what's been happening with you, but I am putting an end to it."

"There is nothing to put an end to. I told you what happened already, and you're just not listening."

"I am listening, alright. And all I am hearing is that you decide to embarrass us and yourself, but doing something so thoughtless it makes all your other immature actions seem good."

"So what if I kissed him? It's not like I made out with an animal in front of the school. Vincent is a good guy. Amazing. He is not some dog."

"He is your driver. Our driver. He comes to this house to work. Don't confuse whatever relationship you might have with him to make him more than he is. He is no one."

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