The Hollowfication

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Jack Pov

i wake up groaning as i breathe softly and look around as i recall what happened "still chained up huh what a drag...and all of this because i became a hunter unlicensed and my childhood huh...." i then hear the door open as i would look up and see some guards enter as they say "here is your food" i would look at it i can obviously see it was stomped on and much more as i would open my mouth and spit on the guard and say "have fun with your lunch buddy" i then feel a punch in my gut as i spit out some blood and groan as the unguards release my limbs

and i fall straight to the ground they had me tied up like i was on some sacrifice table but it was straight upwars where i was against the wall as one of the guards say "you talk big yet you are to weak to do anything!" as they start kicking me i would just groan and take the beating as eventualy the door open as the guards say "a-ah miss valkyrie what are you doing here!" i look up as it was nora i can hear her say "i came to have fun with him ofcourse now lift him up and hold him still" i would be lifted up as nora smacks me with her hammer across the room 

i would split out blood and more feeling my brones break as everything was blurry i was in this room for days weeks i lost track of time it could just been one weak i feel myself being grabbed and dragged across the floor before i was eventualy thrown again and hit the ground as i groan and then hear a voice say "today we will do some more test today lets see how you handle this" i then feel myself get electrocuted by a even stronger shock from the collar as i scream in pain grabbing the collar to try and pull it of using the pain to strenghten myself but i fail as i shout

"IRONWOOD GET OVER HERE YOU COWARD I WILL BEAT YOU!" the shocking stopped as i hear the door open and nora walks in as she shoots grenades at me as they launch me away cause of the explosion i proceed to receive a beat down mixed by nora hitting me with her hammer grenades or being shocked by my collar i hear nora say "and to think they had a trouble catching you well it's only a matter of time before atlas captures ruby and the others and general ironwood said i can do whatever i want to jaune oh i'm gonna have fun not sure what happens to the others if they are unlucky they be executed.."

i would slowly get up and say "you know i think i'm done with your bullshit nora you want to hurt my friends all of you i will give you a monster...." my aura would go up as i was holding in my rage but no more i couldn't do it as i feel myself change 

i see nora jump down at me to land a hit with her hammer but i simply look and have the white bandages that where hanging of my shoulders go towards her then stab her in the stomach and wrap around her hammer and throw her away as i slowly walk fo...

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i see nora jump down at me to land a hit with her hammer but i simply look and have the white bandages that where hanging of my shoulders go towards her then stab her in the stomach and wrap around her hammer and throw her away as i slowly walk forward and use the bandages to cut my way out as i continue to slowly walk having the bandages deal with what was coming my way i walk all the way to ironwood his office before i burst down the door i see him look at me and right before he could grab his weapon i have the bandages wrap around his limbs and pull him closer

i then swing my claw up and down digging deep into his body i had control this time as i would grab ironwood by the throat and glare at him while saying "lets see how you feel when your being shocked!" i was being shocked the entire time as i slam ironwood against the collar i was wearing shocking him before feel myself be kicked causing me to back up as i feel the bandages be cut as ironwood says "you finnaly are here the ace ops..." they would all charge at me but i feel myself black out i eventualy regain concious and hold my head but it felt wet i look down

and i see ironwood laying there without a arm i would then get shocked from behind and fall down again

Ironwood Pov

a few minutes earlier

i see the ace ops starting to push him back but he started to change as a hole grows in his body as the bandages would wrap around his arm and he pulls of the collar as he was now staring at us all 

he would then move around drifenty more animal like and before i know it he would defeat the ace ops i start shooting at him but he just takes it before he would dig his claws into my chest i scream in pain as i then see him grab my throat and gra...

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he would then move around drifenty more animal like and before i know it he would defeat the ace ops i start shooting at him but he just takes it before he would dig his claws into my chest i scream in pain as i then see him grab my throat and grab my arm and rips it of  i scream in pain and try to kick him  shouting "that was my good arm you bastard!" i see him throw me away and start eating my arm before i see the army sneak up from behind and neutralise him through shocks after he had returned to normal looking confused and horrorfied

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