Project Reaper

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Ironwood Pov

it had been a few days since we captured the masked vigelanty thanks too miss valkyries help we had put him in a chamber with a shock collar on miss valkyrie and other people would go in too fight him too try and force him too use his powers making nora my assistant was a splended but sadly he simply refused so he got shocked everytime we didnt feed him much as i would look into the log book and rewatch all videos of the masked vigelanty i play the footage inside the room as i push a button on the mic and say "you got a intresting power there boy we could use it too beat our enemies what you say about it"

he would  turn away and flip me off i press another button on a remote and shock him for a good 15 minutes as he screams loudly "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU FUCKER GET HERE AND FIGHT ME FAIR AND SQUARE YOU FUCKING BITCH!" i press the microphone button again and say "i dont need too come and fight you jack  your not worth my time but those powers are tell me the secret help us beat the grimm and our enemy!" he responds with  "FALL DEAD!!" i simply shock him for 30 minutes now as he falls down as i look at the guards and say "no food for him for 3 days.."

i had a meeting with the ace ops and council as they simply say "what you want ironwood" i would simply respond with "as you all know i have captured the masked vigelanty but his friends are probaly on there way here too free him we need too uprade our security!" i see them exchange looks and whisper something  as they say "we wont it are just kids how dangerous can they be" i slam my hands down onto the table"how dangerous can they be!? the masked vigelanty is just a 16 year old boy! and look how strong he was and hiding right under our nose we cant risk it!"

they exchange looks again as suddenly harriet stood up and said "sir ironwood dont worry we can handle those teenagers simply they wont get past us i promise you that!" i look at her before looking back at the monitor "you better up security or i will unleash the masked vigelanty onto you all as much as he doesnt like me if i just say your holding his friends he will come charginge in and beat up every single one of you" i look at them being serious as they would go into discussion again saying "you dont dare to do that" i glare at them and say "try me" i would simply hang up

i would go sit down in my chair and wait as everyone else was staring at me harriet would try too speak and gets interupted by a phone call i awnser and the council reapeared on screen again and they say "allright ironwood you got your wish were upgrading security" i smile and reply with "allright thank you gentleman next time dont let me wait so long" i hang up again and leave today was not very productive but i got what i wanted and now i had too perfect my project but how i was gonna do that i wasnt sure yet but it was gonna work i would bet my

title on it if this weapon could work we would be unstopable project reaper will be the grimm reaper and defeat salem once and for all i sit back in my office and start making plans

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