Jack VS Tyrian

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i was standing facing this faunus that had beaten up my friends as i say "whats your name stranger" he smirks and introduces himself as tyrian as i say "your not touching anymore of my friends" i charge tyrian and swing my sword at him which he dodges as he swings his blades at me cutting my shirt as he goes too stab me with his tail but i barely dodge it and kick tyrian backwards as he charges me i put up sword in a defensive posistion as he simple jumps onto it and starts moving his tail at me as stab motions i move my head too the left and right as

he wraps his tail around my neck and started choking me  as i let go of my sword handle and bite down onto tyrians tail as he screams and punches me in the head as i use the bandage off my  sword too slash at his tail  he lets go and backflipped away as i grunt and scream "RUBY CALL QROW HES TOO FLEXABLE FOR ME!" ruby nods and got out her scroll as i start throwing my sword at tyrian which he dodges and charges at me i pull my sword back smirking as tyrian ducks and i catch my blade as he i quickly pull it up too block tyrians blades as i feel something stab me in my stomach

as i drop my sword  and hold my stomach as tyrian laughs and says "you have my poison in you now if you keep moving it will spread trough your body more" i punch tyrian in the face sending him backwards as i pick up my sword smiling "i just gotta beat you before the poison spreads" i swing my blade by the bandage as i charge tyrian as he blocks my blade and cuts me across the chest as i grab tyrians arm and shoulder bash him before swinning my sword at him  hitting him as i pulled my sword back as tyrian says "i get why you could fight cinder but something is off she described you drifently with a mask and a black sword"

 i remained silenty and charged tyrian swinning my sword at him he just dodges and punches me in the stomach as i swing my sword at his back hitting him as tyrian kicks me back as i panth the poison was moving trough my body as i hold my sword up and say "GESTUGA TENSHOU!" i swing aura at tyrian which just dodges as i used the change he dodged too slam him into a wall as i fall onto my knees almost using my sword too stand as tyrian charges at me i try too swing my sword at him but tyrian dodges it easily as he starts too rapidly punch me in the stomach and

 stabs me again shattering my aura as i breath in and out slowly getting up as tyrian turned too ruby and rushed at her i swing my sword at him hitting him just before he can reach ruby as i scream "RUBY GET OUT OF HERE! AND TAKE THE OTHERS WITH YOU!" she shakes her head and says "i cant leave you here i wont!" i grunt and  tyrian kicks me in the face as he pulls me back with his tail that wrapped around my hand as im being punched rapidly again as he stabs me again with his tail injecting more poison as he kicks me away as i dont have the strenght too get up as tyrian says "you know your really annoying!"

                                                                           Ruby's Pov

i had run at tyrian and  tried too swing cresent rose at him but i missed as he backed up as i look at jack and say "hold in their uncle qrow is on his way!" tyrian would run at me as i swing cresent rose at him which he dodges as i quickly shoot a bullet  too hit him  i cut his cheek as he goes too jab his tail at me  i barely dodge it as i make some distance and start shooting dust at him he just runs out of the way as i grunt he really was too flexible i charge tyrian and swing cresent rose at him he blocks and kicks me in the stomach as he wraps his tail at me and punches me in the stomach

 a few times before throwing me into the ground as he slams his blades into my stomach destroying my aura as he pulls me and laughs saying "i dont get why cinder was strugeling against you your so weak you cant even fight without your scythe" as he  drops me onto the ground again as he grinniks and says "she said she wanted you alive but she never said  i cant poison you!" tyrian launches his tail at me going too stab me as i suddenly see a person infront off me but before i knew it i could see tyrians tail go right trough him as  he falls right forward as i see his face it was  jack as i quickly moved towards him bursting into tears "jack no! stay with me you will be fine! uncle qrow where are you!" as tyrian grabs me with his tail as he says "look at that your hero came too save you and now hes dead" i had finnaly lost my best friend as something unimagineable happened

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