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Ruby's pov

i had watched jack beat cardins team all alone i was impressed so i was talking to my team about i as i said "did you see him go he went like HIYAA WOOSH SWOOSH" as i kept going on as then they suddenly pushed me out of the room as i turn around and say "hey let me back in!" i hear a loud no as i turn around and see jaune being pushed out of his room as i wave to him and he waves back as i ask "why you been pushed out" he awnsers with "they got annoyed at me talking about how amazing jack did" i nod and say "same with me talking about jack wanna go visit him?"

 jaune nods as i got up and we walked to jacks room seeing the door was open me and jaune exchange looks before slightly pushing the door more open entering jacks dorm i see him laying on his bed as i walk to him and was gonna wake him up as i hear jaune say "ruby come look at this" i turn around and walk towards jaune i see jacks desk full with stuff like glue scizors and other stuff as i see on another desk a box with my name on it and one for jaune i also see a blue print rolled up as i walk over to the other desk opening the box as i inside a shark cape  "oh my god did he make this?" i say as i put it on looking like  (just imagine her in vol 1 clothes for this)

i had watched jack beat cardins team all alone i was impressed so i was talking to my team about i as i said "did you see him go he went like HIYAA WOOSH SWOOSH" as i kept going on as then they suddenly pushed me out of the room as i turn around a...

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as i turn to jaune who had a necklace as i said "put it on come on!" jaune nods and puts it on as  i take a closer look at it it was blue like his eyes as i say "wow this is beautifull he must have taken a while to made this explains why he missed class yesterday its like a wolf teeth!"

i decide to open the blueprint it seemed to like a sword that could use dust crystals to either erupt into flames or lighting from the desgine of it it was ment for jaune's sword but it seemed drifent as i showed this to jaune as he would gasp and...

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i decide to open the blueprint it seemed to like a sword that could use dust crystals to either erupt into flames or lighting from the desgine of it it was ment for jaune's sword but it seemed drifent as i showed this to jaune as he would gasp and hold it as he says "wow this is amazing  if my concurent one ever needs a upgrade i will upgrade it to this just need to get my hand on some dust crystals and matrials  but why did he make these for us?" i shrug and say "no idea lets leave a thank you note and ask him when he wakes up" jaune nods as  we write a thank you note and then went back to our dorms

 lucky for us our team mates had cooled off letting us back in as i hear yang say "where did you get that shark cape from?" i respond with "jack made it for me he also made jaune a necklace hes the best friend i can have in this school jaune gets second place" as i go lay down on my bed as i hear weiss say "jack might be strong but have any of you seen his team yet?" we all shake our heads as weiss then says "exactly if hes gonna enter the yvestal festival we need a strategy incase  we do ever face against him or something  i dont wanna lose cause we didnt know anything" i got up standing on my bed and said  "allright team rwby's first training session lets go!" we all storm out and went to train i left my shark cape in my room i didnt want it to get damaged

                                                                            Jack's pov

i woke up from my sleep yawning as i went back to my desk with the presents they were gone but i saw a note saying  thank you from ruby and jaune as i just smirked and heard my stomach growl i decided to head to the cafeteria where i saw team rwby/jnpr sitting together i decided to sit between jaune and ruby as i heard ruby and pyrrha talking about how cardin was bullying jaune multiple times this annoyed me as i heard cardin and his team seeing him pull the ears of a girl with brown hair as i got up and jumped high into the air flying down at cardin grabbing his  head and slamming straight trough the table like

cardin had letted go of the brown haired girls ears i quickly use my left hand to pull her behind me as cardins team was pulling out their weapons to attack me but i give them a hatefull glare and say "last time i was holding back but if your bull...

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cardin had letted go of the brown haired girls ears i quickly use my left hand to pull her behind me as cardins team was pulling out their weapons to attack me but i give them a hatefull glare and say "last time i was holding back but if your bullying girls i will show no mercy" i got off cardin and walk away with the girl as i hear ruby scream "jack behind you!" i turn around and cardin went to punch me in the face i take the punch having my face move to the right as i move it back grabbing cardins arm "i warned you" i snap his arm breaking it

as i pull him towards me kicking him hard in the ribs launching him trough multiple tables getting food over him cardins team grab him and take him away as i turn to the girl and say "your okay? im jack by the way" she slightly nods and says "its nice to meet you jack my name is velvet" as i just grab velvets wrist and plate  leading her towards the others as i make place for her at the table as we all just eat as i can hear trough the microphone miss goodwitch saying "jack branwen too the headmasters office" after lunch i got up and headed to ozpins office as

i enter as ozpin signs for me to take a seat i take a seat and he says  "so why did you break cardins arm and destroy a few tables?" i respond with "he was pulling velvets ears i assume shes a faunus cause it seemed like they hurted he had to be teached a lesson" as ozpin nods and says "well  despite your good intetiones i cant let this go  so im afraid you will have detetion and since most classes dont seem your thing you wont be allowed to go onto a mission with a real huntsmen" i simple nod and headed off

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