The Capture

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Ruby's Pov

i was slowly waking up from the attack cinder used against me as yang says "ruby are you okay!?" as i respond with "y-yeah what happend" as jaune says "you went down and blocked the entrance and jack has gone beserk again he didnt turn into the thing he used when he fought tyrian but he has his mask" i quickly got up as i saw jack fighting cinder and yangs mom as he slammed cinder into a wall and suddenly a purple mist covered her as she disepear as he went too yangs mother ready too kill her as he suddenly grabbed his mask as i think jack is trying too fight back! as

 suddenly people come from the roof as general ironwood came down with nora? as the soldiers shoot jack as he turned around  and suddenly slashed of the soldiers head  but it was a robot as nora screams "there is he general thats the masked vigelanty also known as jack branwen!" we all couldnt believe it nora was selling out jack as ren screams running at nora as he shouts "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" but hes blocked by the robot soldiers as general ironwood said "you all hided his identy but now its too late i will be taking him with me! too atlas!"

jack meanwhile was fighting as he shouts "gestuga tenshou!" as he was slashing of robots launching  his attacks into the wall as the area started too break apart the roof was collapsing as i say "guys we gotta get jack and we need too get out of here!" as everyone nods as we charge but the soldiers kept coming down as i was slashing down the soldiers while jaune and the others kept slashing trough ren tried getting too nora but ironwood was blocking him and was actualy beating ren and even when jaune and neo came too help him he was fighting all 3 of them

i was using gun shots too cover them as ironwood was countering my gun shots with his own as he grabs jaunes sword attack kicking him towards neo who dodged jaune as ironwood had punched her while shooting at me and ren as i grunt as i look too how uncle qrow and oscar where doing oscar was doing um good for somebody who doesnt fight as i look at jack he was going crazy but he wasnt paying attetion as a rock was falling down at him i switch too fire dust and shoot it at the rock destroying it as i see nora jump as i scream "JACK LOOK OUT!" as

nora hits him in the face with her hammer shattering his mask as he was falling down as i use my semblance too catch him as i look at a injured jack he was smirking as he says "i lost it again didnt i..." i nod as i say "but that doesnt matter nora gave u away too ironwood we need too get you out of here" as im shot with a dust crystal as im shocked as i fall down with jack as were serounded by the soldiers eventualy mechs come down as i grunt  as jaune screams  "GUYS WERE OUTMATCHED LETS GET RUBY AND JACK AND LEAVE!" as i say "jack were gonna make it out of here trust me!"

as he smirks and says "not this time ruby i will be the team player" as jack got up as he screamed "GESTUGA TENSHOU!" his aura slash makes  a path as he gives me his sword and says "look after this for me" he throws me with his sword as he shouts "QROW CATCH! AND GET OUT OF HERE!" as im thrown and catched by my uncle as i look back at jack who fell down as ironwood puts him in handcuffs as we start retreating  all the way back too the forest as uncle qrow drops me as i hold jacks sword crying thinking dam it jack! why do you always have too save me i should be saving you! 

Jaune's Pov

we had ran away ruby was cyring on the ground ren was punching the ground in anger everyone else was down yang was hugging ruby as we sit there for a good hour being all depressed by the fact nora betrayed us and they had jack now as i suddenly hear my scroll buzzin as i grab and see it was sun as i pick up and say "what is it sun were not in a good mood" as sun says "check the news all off you!" we all check the news as we hear a atlas interview walk up too ironwood and said "general ironwood is it true you have the masked vigelanty!?" he responds with "yes here he is his name is jack branwen he was acompanied by ruby rose jaune formerly known as jaune arc qrow branwen yang xaio long and 2 other people  if you see them take them down and bring them too me"

 i in anger punch a tree as ren says "whats the plan guys?" as suddenly ruby got up and she says "our enemies are gathering its time too say goodbye" we all stare at ruby confused as she says "sun contact neptune and coco we will be heading too atlas too free jack and professor ozpin or oscar do you think we can trade the relic for jack" oscar nods  as professor ozpin comes out and says "we need too find it first" as i say "i heard water flowing down in the cave so it should be floating too the city of argus" ruby then says "allright oscar ren and jaune you all meet sun at the city of argus neo call roman and tell him too pick the boys up me uncle qrow yang and neo will be heading straight for atlas we will meet each other in one of the cities before atlas and uncle qrow you gotta teach me how too use a big sword cause im keeping jacks weapon with me until i can give it back too him"

we all nod  and say our goodbye's too each other as i hug ruby and say "take care of yourself my bestfriend i will not fail too get the relic" ruby responds with "i will take care of yourself too bestie i will train up allot we will save jack" her voice was so certain it was almost like she was not planning too fail but i wasnt either i walk away with ren and oscar looking back seeing ruby walking away as i look into the sky as i think hang in there jack were coming!

rwby x oc The Masked Hero Of RemnantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora