The Mute Ice Cream

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Jack's pov

after the teams were made i just decided to grongat ruby and jaune on becoming team leaders after that i went into vale i wanted to do something special for my friends as i was looking trough the stores as i start to think of what they could possible like so i saw a clothe shop and i got a idea as i walked in and asked the shop owner "you got some red and white clothe? and some black buttons" the shop ownser responds with "yes i do but what do you need it for?" i respond with "oh um i want to make something for a friend of mine" as the owner nods and

 heads into the back as he places a bag down with the red and white clothe and the black buttons as i pay the man and walk off waving bye i got my present for ruby now i needed one for jaune what could he want or use  i think while walking around vale looking at shops as i suddenly got a idea i wasnt sure if jaune wanted this but i couldnt let this go to waist as i enter another shop and get myself some papers pencils putting it in the bag with the clothe and buttons as i smirk and say to myself "they will find this amazing or not i hope they do"

 as suddenly  this little girl with pink and brown hair the same colours as her eyes grab onto me as i hear police sirens as police man walk up to me and said " that woman is under arrest sir get away from her she robed a jewerly place" as i look at the girl who looked at me with a begging face but at the same time a small noticeable smirk as i sigh cause of my kind heart i didnt want somebody so small and short to enter jail as i turned to the officers and said "sir this must be a mistake this is my little sister neo and she would never steal anything" i called her neo cause

her hair eyes and outfit kinda reminded me of neopolitan ice cream but neo was nice and smooth as the officer says "well if you would look after your sister better we trust you but for safety we need to search her" as i feel the girl pass something in my hand from my geuss it was the stolen jewerly as i putted it in my bag i was carrying the stuff for ruby and jaune in as i nod to the officer as the girl walks forwards as the police search her and then say "shes all clean excuses for the trouble sir" as i say "its no problem we had quite the parent problems so she can be a bit of a rascal" the officer nods and walks off as the girl places her umbrella on the ground using it as support giving me a big smirking smile

after the teams were made i just decided to grongat ruby and jaune on becoming team leaders after that i went into vale i wanted to do something special for my friends as i was looking trough the stores as i start to think of what they could possi...

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as i say "no no from that face i can tell your thinking im a criminal now cause i helped one also why didnt you just whisper or say anything?" i ask the girl as she pulls out a sign which says "im a mute so i cant talk" as i nod  as she then pulls out a marker and writes on the back of the sign and turns it around after she finishes as i read "also thank you for helping me big brother~" i can see the big grin on her face i knew she was just messing around with me as i sigh and say "just stay with me for a bit just so your safe" she nods as she grabs onto my hand and as we just start walking some more

as the girl pulls out a sign and i read it as it says "first of all how did you know i go by the name  neo and second off all why your in the city?" i respond with "well your hair and eye colour plus outfit colours reminded me of the neopolitan ice cream but that was too long and a little suspicious and neo just sounded smooth and easy to say and why im here my friends at beacon became team leaders so im making a little present for them but i dont know what to get jaune and since you dont know him hes a boy with blue eyes and blonde hair i want to make something with my own hands so its extra special i got a idea for ruby's present shes just a girl with a cape and silver eyes honestly your and her eyes are the rarest i have ever seen"

as neo then writes on another sign and holds it up as it says "how about a necklace for the jaune boy i know a cave where you can go mining its adobanded but invested with grimm probaly since you helped me i geuss i can help you but this doesnt make us friends" as i smirk and respond with "ofcourse not your a villain and im trying to be a hero so that makes us enemy's but i dont want you to end up in jail not that i see you as a weak girl but you just dont seem like the type to be in jail anyway if you ever do end up in jail just take this" i  take her sign and write down my scroll number as i then say "call me if you need to be bailed out" she nods as we walk off towards the cave

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