Identity Revealed!

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Ruby's Pov

i heard a explosion as i look down and i see jack run off i decide too rush down  too but i couldnt find him i hear professor port say "WERE UNDER ATTACK EVERYONE EVACUTE!" i hear a door open seeing somebody enter i couldnt tell who it was so i followed and saw mecurry being all fine as i soon realise yang never actualy broke his leg i didnt have cresent rose on me so i used my semblance too find a drifent way out as i was back at the arena as i saw a nevermore trying too break the shield jaune was at beacon so were sun and ren as i quickly run  and see grimm flooding the city and

are on the stadium i quickly call my locker and grab cresent rose as the stadium is falling down majority of the students lucky avacuted as i  see roman in one of te other planes i decide too shoot myself towards him slashing some nevermore and others in half i land on the ship and am greeted by romans assistant i put cresent rose into the ground and start shooting at her she just blocks it with her umbrella as i hear a roar and i look towards it seeing a dragon followed by other grimm which start attacking me as i just slash trough them with my scythe as im suddenly hitted by neo's umbrella and

 pushed back as i see roman walk out i start fighting both of them but im outnumbered i charge neo and swing  cresent rose around she dodges and deflect some attacks with her umbrella as she backflips and i suddenly get hit by romans bullet being sended backwards i plant cresent rose into the ship too not fly off it as roman goes to shoot me close up i use my free hand too deflect his stick as neo comes at me and starts kicking me back i am on the edge and say "the grimm will murder you too" as roman says "i gotta risk it red you see the lady in the red dress would murder me if i dont suceed so do you think i have a choice too fail!"

 i charge roman slashing trough a bullet he fires at me as i get kicking by neo off the ship i stick cresent rose in the edge off it as i was holding onto the end of  it i couldnt reach the trigger as neo walks up too me and i kick some nevermore away as neo kicks off cresent rose i was fall as i suddenly feel myself being caught as i land back on the ship as i look at who catched me it was "the masked vigelanty!" roman says as the masked vigelanty says "red we really gotta stop meeting like this like what is this the 5th time i saved you and roman your going down!" as the masked vigelanty had something on his shoulder it was a dog?

the masked vigelanty charges roman but neo stops him as the 2 of them start fighting i charge roman and swing cresent rose at him  he blocks it and kicks me out of the way as he walks over too me and starts beating me with his stick as i kick him ...

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the masked vigelanty charges roman but neo stops him as the 2 of them start fighting i charge roman and swing cresent rose at him he blocks it and kicks me out of the way as he walks over too me and starts beating me with his stick as i kick him backwards as he aims his stick at me and fires but the masked vigelanty's sword appears infront of me taking as he pulls it back and screams "ROMAN!" he was holding neo under his arm as roman shoots at him right in the face as he jumps over roman dropping neo and unheaded a grimm as he turns towards us and says "you might be a criminal but you dont deserve too die"

 i couldnt believe it as i say "JACK YOUR THE MASKED VIGELANTY I KNEW IT!" i see him feel his face as he says "FUCK MY MASK!" i then scream "SWEAR JAR!" as he looks at me with a really face as neo pulls roman holding up a sign that says "boss this was the boy i was talking about i dont wanna fight him" as roman sighs and says "i apreciate what you did for neo but i cant go back cinder will kill me" as jack says "we can protect you if you can better your life your free too go" as i run up too jack and say "i knew it i knew it knew also is that a grimm baby hes so cute what is his name?"

 jack responds with "i um named him dusk anyway we gotta go!" jack jumped up and threw his sword behind roman as another grimm sneaked up on him  as he kicks one into the steering part of the ship it exploding as he  puts his sword onto his back as he grabs me and holds me under his arm as he grabs roman and says "neo climb onto my back!" she climbs onto his back as he starts running  down  as the ship crases into another one as another explosion happens and rubble starts falling down as jack jumps from rubble too rubble down onto the ground as jack drops roman

and me on the roof as jack says "ruby roman catch!" he throws me dusk as he throws roman neo and falls off the roof after catching dusk i quickly  use my semblance to speed up and grab onto jacks hand as i say "i got you!" i feel 4 hands on me as i i look back and see roman and neo pull me and jack up as jack says "thank you all but we arent finished yet roman neo flee while you can neo has my scroll number so she can call me  me and ruby gotta head back too beacon" as i say "but jack you just fought pyrrha and everyone will see you as the masked vigelanty and pyrrha putted a spear in you  your fighting injured" as he responds with "i dont care ruby jaune sun ren neptune velvet my friends are their i gotta help them besides im sneaky so lets go" i nod and we speed over too beacon

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