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Jack's Pov

i was sad i didnt get my fight taking down whole haven academy would been so cool but at the same time giving them a day too train will make them even better  lets see if they can handle me at my full strenght but.... i need too increase my speed if there like tyrian im in trouble so i gotta train my reflections and reaction speed  i get interupted from my thought as i  bump into somebody "oh um excuses sir" he responds with "look out where your going brat" i smirk at him before kicking him like

he was sended flying bouncing across the floor as people look at me and i say "what he asked for it" as i continue walking i spot a clothing store and walk inside as i start looking around i see some suits and black jackets that go with a white sh...

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he was sended flying bouncing across the floor as people look at me and i say "what he asked for it" as i continue walking i spot a clothing store and walk inside as i start looking around i see some suits and black jackets that go with a white shirt some black pants and a tie as i think too myself  its friends hanging out not a date so i should get this  but at the same time i dont want the girls too think i didnt dress up nice cause it isnt a date aghh what do i do  i end up buying both as i walk up and run a hand trough my hair as i think it has gotten long... i should get a hair cut as i walk away as

 this boy says "h-hey are you um jack?" i turn around and say "yes? do you want a autograph or something? do you know me from the yvetal festival" he shakes his head as he says "my name is oscar pine but i know you personally" as i smirk  and chuckle "sure ya do kid anyway i dont have time i gotta prepare for a dinner with friends tomorrow" as i start walking away oscar saying "w-wait up! this is important!" as i respond with "yeah sure whatever kid see ya" as i keep walking as i suddenly hear "mr branwen how have you been im sorry we have too meet under these circumstances but you better listen"

 as i turn around and say "nobody calls me mr branwen aside professor ozpin and the teachers of beacon allright kid what kind of games are you playing what is your semblance this isnt funny you better not test my patience" i had walked up too oscar and grabbed him by the shirt lifting him up glaring at him  as i get a better look at him as he says "i know this is confusing but im really professor ozpin in a drifent body trust me" i once again take a better look at him

"you dont look like professor ozpin you look more like a farmer boy now stop playing games if your really professor ozpin tell me something he knows" as oscar starts saying "your best friends are ruby rose and jaune arc  cardin told everyone about...

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"you dont look like professor ozpin you look more like a farmer boy now stop playing games if your really professor ozpin tell me something he knows" as oscar starts saying "your best friends are ruby rose and jaune arc  cardin told everyone about jaune's fake transcript which made majority of beacon hate him despite this you trained him and made him a strong person strong enough too enter the yvetal festivall too 1v4 people he lost too pyrrha nikos which you defeated and became yvetal festival champion winning for beacon academy which fell too roman torchwhick and cinder fall aside that you been trained by qrow branwen ruby rose uncle he was the one who got you into beacon academy despite being 15 years old you were trutly one of my best students when it came too being a hunter then professor oobleck port and miss goodwitch know you have the strenght but your missing the knowledge and skills in fighting  aside that your friends with lie ren sun wukong neptune  velvet and her team leader is this enough too make you believe me mr branwen? how was the journey too mistral by the way?"

 i put professor ozpin down as i say "h-how d-did what im not understanding anything is this your semblance?" the professor shakes his head as he says "i will explain later as for now you have a dinner with friends a date perhaps? anyway i assume your here with your best friends may i see them we gotta talk about some stuff" i nod releasing what he said earlier as i say "its none of your bussiness if its a date or not now lets go" i start walking back too the others with oscar/ozpin as i say on our way back "i really hope this is important professor" we arrive at the place me ruby jaune and the others were staying as i walked inside and said "everyone come on out i gotta tell you something so take a seat"

 everyone comes out and takes a seat as jaune says "why did you bring a kid with you jack is he like your cousin or something?" i respond with "no its um go ahead you explain it them" as oscar/ozpin walks up and says "nice too see you all together again its me professor ozpin you all might not believe it but its the truth mr branwen can confirm now miss rose how have you been same to you jaune and i see a new face and miss xaio long i see something drifent anyway i gotta tell you all something i assume your here because of something" ruby responds with "yeah were here too defend haven academy and mistral from a possible attack by cinder and the grimm" as ozpin responds with "cinder isnt the true villain who controls the grimm i know who it is and her name is salem..."

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