Vasto Lorde Unleashed

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Jack's Pov

i was falling inside a void off darkness as i think too myself "this is it this im dead i hope qrow made it in time too save everyone"  as i could hear and see that tyrian had grabbed ruby and started saying "i will cut you up no limbs off then i will let cinder play with you after im done i will give you too my misstress when your almost dead" i grunt and say too myself "that bastard!" as i hear a familair voice as the white guy from earlier was talking "i told you if you died we would have a problem geuss i gotta take over" as i say "I DONT CARE WHAT YOU DO HE WILL PAY FOR HURTING MY BEST FRIENDS!" as he laughs and says "allright i will lend you my power for this time give me a good show" i got up and said "I WILL PROTECT YOU!" as white says  too himself "just like his father"  my hair had grown longer and turned orange aura erupting from me

i was falling inside a void off darkness as i think too myself "this is it this im dead i hope qrow made it in time too save everyone"  as i could hear and see that tyrian had grabbed ruby and started saying "i will cut you up no limbs off then i ...

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my mask was forming but it formed drifently and my whole body was covered in white as tyrian says "impossible! hes like one of those new types of grimm! who are you!" he was backing up what one can only assume out of fear as i pull my sword from t...

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my mask was forming but it formed drifently and my whole body was covered in white as tyrian says "impossible! hes like one of those new types of grimm! who are you!" he was backing up what one can only assume out of fear as i pull my sword from the ground it changinge into its black smaller version as  in the blink off the eye i had cut off tyrians tail making him drop ruby as he screams in pain and punches me in the face as i look at him as i swing my sword across his chest cutting him as he sounds annoyed and screams "AWNSER ME WHO ARE YOU!"  i simply reply with a roar a loud one as the roar was responded by other grimm 

my mask was forming but it formed drifently and my whole body was covered in white as tyrian says "impossible! hes like one of those new types of grimm! who are you!" he was backing up what one can only assume out of fear as i pull my sword from t...

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tyrian started running away as i charge after him swinning my sword at him which he manages too block but still is pushed back as tyrian says "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" i jump at him grabbing his head sliding him across the ground as then throw him and slowly start walking towards him as he just get running as i move my head focusing my aura and launch a attack going right trough tyrian making a hole in the side of his body and  he lost a arm

tyrian started running away as i charge after him swinning my sword at him which he manages too block but still is pushed back as tyrian says "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" i jump at him grabbing his head sliding him across the ground as then th...

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                                                                                   Ruby's Pov

i was watching jack beating up tyrian once again he had changed into a beast i was scared as he just had blown a hole in tyrian and he had lost  a arm as tyrian screams "SALEM SAVE ME!" as suddenly a portal comes and arms come out of it as they grab tyrian and drag him away as suddenly grimm appeared jacks roar must have attracted them as one jumped at me as uncle qrow appears killing the grimm as i was happy  too see him as suddenly jack appeared and had attacked him ofcourse uncle qrow blocked it as i say "j-jack stop it!" he looks at me and i just froze up from fear

it felt like he was gonna murder me my heart was beating like crazy i feared him more then anything i can ever fear now jack and uncle qrow kept fighting  my uncle even got his scythe out and started too counter attack jack he was winning in power but my uncle was better in strategy as uncle qrow screams "jack this isnt you calm down your friends are fine! your scaring ruby!"  as jack kept attacking  as uncle qrow kept trying too calm him down and be on the defensive side but at the same time he  had cutted jack a few times but it seemed like jack couldnt care less as uncle qrow sighs and uses his scythe too cut off one of jacks horns as it results into his mask shattering as jack falls down

jaune and ren runned towards him as ren says "focus your aura on the hole jaune!" jaune nods as they repair the hole inside jack i was still too scared too confront him as jack had gotten up and looked at me as he then just runs off into the woods...

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jaune and ren runned towards him as ren says "focus your aura on the hole jaune!" jaune nods as they repair the hole inside jack i was still too scared too confront him as jack had gotten up and looked at me as he then just runs off into the woods i could hear the others say "jack wait!" but jack screamed "LEAVE ME ALONE!" as uncle qrow came too me and asked if i was okay i just nodded as he then says "lets go too the next town we can look for jack after everyone is healed up" we all headed too the next town i remained silent i was just scared he seemed more heartless then when he killed pyrrha and now it seemed like he remembered what he did as

 i just considerd him a monster as i went into a room with neo and went too sleep but i had nightmares about jacks grimm form as i could see his black soul less eyes looking at me killing everyone i loved as i could hear the words echo in the distance "i will protect you!" i got out of bed and rushed into the woods as i screamed "JACK WHERE ARE YOU!" i was just running around the forest as i suddenly see jack who was getting beaten up by a bunch off grimm he wasnt even fighting back as i pull out cresent rose and use my semblance too fly at a grim as i slash it in half and

 fire a bullet killing another one as with the momentum i gained from the bullet slam the back off cresent rose into another grimm as i  quickly  run at it and slash it in half and  switch cresent rose int sniper mode as i load a fire crystal box and shoot the last grimm killing it as i look at jack as i walked closer as he mumbles "im a monster.... why did you save me..." i drop cresent rose and hug him tightly and say "your not a monster you just wanted too protect me and the rest you just dont have control of your power yet you saved me again but this time you almost gave your own life promise me you wont do anything like this again jack i need you alive defeating evil people wont feel the same if i cant celebrate it without you so please im not asking you too use your powers again until your ready but you just scared me with that transformation i even have nightmares from it so please come with me too the others you will figure out a way on how too control your powers but for now take a break i promise i will stop you next time even if im scared beyond anything"

 i could feel jack hugging me back as i hear him sniff as he says "im sorry i scared you i promise i wont do it again" i grab his hand and lead him back too the others as i wake up jaune ren and neo and whisper too them "lets all just sleep in 1 bed jack needs comfort from us all" they agree so we putted jack in the middle me and jaune next too him as neo lays behind me and ren lays behind jaune as dusk lays ontop of jack and  we all sleep

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