The Monster Inside part 1

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Jaune's Pov

i was walking with neo and ren after we had splitted up jack went with ruby as i say "well allright so far nothing bad has happened yet" as we kept alking i was thinking jack heard a voice but me and ren heard nothing was this something concerning he was part grimm so it was questionable as i sigh and feel a hand on my shoulder as i turn around i saw it was neo who held up a sign saying "your okay?" i respond with "yeah im fine just a bit worried about jack i just hope his grimm side isnt dangerous and just gives him great power he is a really strong person but still as his friend i worry for him"

neo just writes on a new sign and says "hes very strong and if he ever loses it we will be their too pull him back too his senses" i smile and nod as we continue walking ren seemed a bit off as i say "your okay ren? you seem kinda off the world" ren says "im fine its just a bit of troublesome that were just second years and already are fighting criminals i know nora was rude too you and all but shes a child hood friend so im still a bit worried about her" i place a hand on ren's shoulder and say "she be fine now lets keep going" ren nods and we keep walking as

we hear grimm it where stalkers as they charge at us as i say "allrigt lets go ren use the trees too your advantage neo provide cover!" the 2 nod as i run forward the stalker goes too grab me with its claw i just jump over it shovin a fire dust crystal in my sword as it ignites into flames and i slash off the stalkers tail as i turn around the stalker swinning its claw at me i infuse my aura into my shield blocking the claw as i move a bit and throw my sword into the stalkers head it gets turned on fire as it fades too ashes as i grab my sword back and hear gun shots being fired as

 i see ren jump from tree too tree while slashing at the stalkers i swing my sword forward hard sending a slash off flames at the stalkers i put 2 on fire as ren was shooting at them killing them as the final stalker rush towards me ren shoots a few times at it slowing it down as i throw my sword into its head and scream "NEO NOW!" i turn around and hold my arms for a boost as neo comes running at me i give her a boost as i then turn around as neo stomps on my sword making a backflip landing  safely with her umbrella as the stalker had died i grab my sword back and

say "great work team" as we continue walking we arrive at a village i say "lets split up maybe their resources here despite from the wreckage" ren and neo nod as we split up after 5 minutes we gather back up as i say "found anything you all?" they shake their head as night was setting i say "lets camp in a adobanded house we will arrive in the next village tomorrow jack and ruby should wait on us their unless they had a delay" i unpack my stuff and set up a tent inside of the house as i say "ima get some fire wood ren start  up setting the cooking stuff" ren nods as

i walk back into the forest and slash down a tree as i then cut it into tiny pieces and put my backpack full and walk back i could hear a voice as i put the fire wood down and see ren having everything set as i ask "whos shes calling?" ren responds with "acording from what i know from jack probaly her boss roman" i decide too help ren with cooking as we finish i go too neo and say "sorry if im interupting but food is done" neo waves bye and got up as we all started eating and then went too sleep

                                                                          Jack's Pov

ruby and me made it too the next village we decided too share a room i went too lay down and fell asleep as i suddenly wake up falling as i would see this when i looked down

"what the hell  why there so many sky scrapers! and where the hell am i!" i land on the sky scraper as i hear a familair voice as it says "so your finnaly here huh" i turn around and see this guy

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"what the hell  why there so many sky scrapers! and where the hell am i!" i land on the sky scraper as i hear a familair voice as it says "so your finnaly here huh" i turn around and see this guy

"who the hell are you" he responds with "your not worthy off knowing my name now lets fight!" i say "wait i dont have my weapon" as he facepalms and says "look down" i look down and see i was in my masked vigelanty outfit as i was holding my sword...

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"who the hell are you" he responds with "your not worthy off knowing my name now lets fight!" i say "wait i dont have my weapon" as he facepalms and says "look down" i look down and see i was in my masked vigelanty outfit as i was holding my sword" the guy jumps at me as i jump back at him our swords clashing

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