Welcome To Atlas

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Ruby Pov

i would have woken up as i get a message from jaune asking if the genie thing was real i would confirm it remembering it and remember what she told me i had to make my way to atlas quickly to see what she told me was gonna be true it might be our only posibility to beat salem i grab jacks sword and grip onto it more mumbeling "i will save my friend..." i would be tapped on the shoulder as i turn around and see neo with a sign that says "everything allright?" i would nod

"sorry if i was being restless last night just had a weird dream but i'm fine now" i would check up on uncle qrow who was just in his tent drinking like usual as i would sigh "is this really the time to be drinking?" uncle qrow responds with "well we let you sleep in its like 13:45 so yes it is besides it's not like i'm fighting or flying soo" i simply hold my head "please this is really important to me jaune and even neo so can we go now?" he would get up and the 3 of us walk of we were almost day just a few more hours or days it was hard keeping track of the distance

we all had decided to use our scrolls less incase ironwood tried to track us down so me and neo came up with a drifent solution we would simply let uncle qrow fly ahead and then come report back neo had a new disguise using her semblance

it was something new but then again her last disguise was probaly known world wide this new 1 was server no idea why this apearance geuss she couldn't think of anything and went with the best thing she could think of as we continue to walk i would...

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it was something new but then again her last disguise was probaly known world wide this new 1 was server no idea why this apearance geuss she couldn't think of anything and went with the best thing she could think of as we continue to walk i would look at jacks sword something was bothering me about it specifically that voice i heard once a weapon having a voice was odd then again jacks entire semblance was odd being raised by grimm having a mask that makes him stronger both of us were 15 and yet both of us have such unique abilities and have a lot of mysterious things

i hope everybody else is okay i turn to neo and say "hey i'm sorry abotu everything with roman and such..." she looks at me confused before holding up a sign saying "it's okay?" something inside of me just felt like i had to say sorry afterall if jack wasn't there who knows how things would have ended but then i realised something else "hey neo where do you get all those signs from?" saying "You know" as she then suddenly turns to the right i was just confused and we continue to move on eventualy it becomes night fall as we spot a cave and decide to camp there for the night

while i was asleep i see a green glow and grunt saying "uncle qrow not now please turn of the light..." i just hear walking as i grab and pull neo "neo can you turn of the green light..." i continue to lay down after feeling neo move up before  i rapidly am shaken back and forth i groan and get up "what is it..." neo points towards my left as i turn and see a death stalker here but not a normal one this one was black white and green instead of red it had 3 green stingers and overall it was glowing green as i would gulp before the death stalker screeches and runs at us

slamming down with his claw me and neo quickly roll out of the way as i reach for jacks weapon and hold it firmly while i'm better at fighting with crescent rose jacks weapon just deals more damage i would use my semblance and dash forward and swing at the stalker but its armor clashes with the sword as its stingers would try and stab me i jump backwards "it has strong armor..." i could see neo shooting at it to attract its attention as the death stalker moves towards her i simply run at it again and swing the sword at the end of the tail only pushing it away

as the stalker would smack me into the wall with its claw before glowing green as it suddenly shoots out lasers from some its green spikes as me and neo starts to dodge i then hear a voice say "stab it in the eye..." and so i stab it in the eye as it screeches and starts attacking around recklessly as the cave would start to collapse i quickly grab neo and run outside of it as we breathe in and out as i see uncle qrow land and says "you 2 okay?" i would do a thumbsup  uncle qrow sayinng "well follow me you 2" and so we follow him and eventualy arrive in atlas and used

a drifent entrance as neptune greets us "welcome to atlas"

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