
"......Sorry, but we can't live up to your expectations. After all, we are all now unemployed!" At the next moment, after hearing that voice from behind, the AST members began to open fire. Their target, Artemisia.

"Wha......!?" The sudden outburst left Artemisia momentarily stunned.

The laser blasts created dazzling gleams of light as they struck the territory enveloping Artemisia's body.

Of course, the artillery shells fired by numerous Wizards were not enough to even scratch Artemisia's Voluntary Territory. However, as a result of the unexpected attack, Artemisia attention momentarily faltered.

That mere moment was worth more than gold for the opposing side.

"Fu.....hah!" Observing the crack in Artemisia's attention being scattered, Origami lunged at Artemisia while sharpening her spear by absorbing the ambient magical power from the surroundings.


But Artemisia was still a monster.

Artemisia manipulated her territory in a flash, exerting a force against her own body in order for it to bend at an unnatural angle. Ribs crunched. There was no doubt that they were broken.

However, it was precisely because of this that Artemisia avoided Origami's blow. No, it would be too much to say that she had completely avoided.

The cutting edge of Origami's blade beautifully sliced through the Territory, rendering Artemisia's flank asunder.

However, since her internal organs were safe, it was not a fatal blow that would eliminate her from the fight. Artemisia quickly retaliated by slashing at Origami with her laser sword Arondight.

"Ku......" Blood splashed into the sky, Origami let out an anguished voice as Artemisia brazenly grinned with perspiration dripping from her face.

"A draw. No, I won." But then, Origami made a rare action to move raise corners of her mouth.

"......No. It's mine....our victory." At that instant──

"Huh......?" Artemisia could not help let out her voice against that strange feeling. A strange object had appeared at the edge of her horizon. It was a key.

The tip of the huge key-shaped staff protruded from the void and towards Artemisia's head. Angel. The key angel, Michael.

Far behind Origami, she could see the figure of the Spirit, Zodiac, who inserted the key into the void. At last, Artemisia understood. Having AST Artemisia's attraction, her victory against Origami, for the sake of their plan, even Origami was a decoy.

"Michael---Rātaibu." From the other side of the empty space exuding the key, a voice echoed at the same time as the key turned.

"Ah──" A great deal of information, bursting in just like a stream, flowed into Artemisia's mind.

"......As expected of Captain. You made the correct were a great help."

"......No kidding, really. Time will not go back. Goodbye my civil servant life......"

Her eardrum trembled from the conversation between Origami and the AST members.

While listening to a conversation on the battlefield that lacked any tension, Artemisia's consciousness was overwhelmed by the waves of memory surging in.

"Ufufu, Lucas-san, how long do you intend to act like that? Well, although I'm willing to accept it, unfortunately, isn't this still the center of the battlefield?"

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