Chapter 61 - Cosmos vs Inverse

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"Are Tohka and Lucas' coordinates still unknown!?"

Fifteen thousand meters above Tenguu City, the airship Fraxinus floated in the sky as Kotori, sitting on the captain's seat, interrogated the crew members.

"Yes...... Nothing spotted east of Tenguu City."

"Because I didn't bring my mobile phone, I can't use the GPS to locate them......"

The staff in the lower section of the bridge responded while operating their respective consoles. Kotori could only grit her teeth.


Ever since both Tohka and Lucas disappeared, close to a couple of hours had already elapsed. Within that period of time, despite a meticulous search having been carried out, the two's whereabouts were yet to be pinpointed.

"What in the world could've happened to those two......!?" Kotori recited in a dejected tone.

As a matter of course, to Kotori, if the two had just been out for the time being, such an overdramatized reconnaissance would not have been needed. Yet, Kotori's consternation was not without rationale or reason.


As she contemplated, Kotori felt a stinging pain in her head, quickly using her palm to suppress the side.

World change, even though it was a matter of such severe gravity, who exactly perpetrated it and why Kotori believed the case to be literal fact without doubting it in the slightest were undefined in her mind.

"Is all this......related to that guy?" Kotori lifted her head with a contorted face, murmuring.

The name Lucas mentioned, Itsuka Shidou, possessed the same surname as Kotori's own name.
At that time, only Lucas knew the identity of the boy who had appeared before everyone.

Alongside Mukuro, a Spirit that allegedly lived in the cosmos, while wielding an angel in the shape of a key.

Neither Kotori nor everyone had any recognition of that person or Mukuro, none could reminisce. Fraxinus' staff too was completely clueless, and when they asked the Artificial Intelligence MARIA, she merely responded, "Data not found."

Yet, under those circumstances, only Tohka had pressed her head with a grimace of pain. Like Lucas, she had displayed unprecedented behavior, gradually upheaving her cranium.

Then, Tohka scanned her surroundings and pointed her line of sight at Lucas, who had reflexively turned into a girl for a reason unknown, asking where they were, thereafter materializing a jet-black sword and leaving once she wrecked Lucas' household.

Exactly. She had inversed.

Despite the cause being unknown right now, Tohka's Sephira crystal had indeed undergone a transformation in its cardinal nature.

Due to the phenomenon occurring under a situation wherein no warning had been broadcast, the inverse Spirit had been let to roam freely outside. What this precisely implied was not at all rocket science, however, above that; Kotori was more concerned about Tohka returning back to normal. Moreover, the key to unraveling this matter perhaps lay in the hands of the name Lucas had mentioned——

"......! Commander!"

Kotori's train of thought was suddenly stopped in its tracks when crew member Nail Knocker Shiizaki's voice resounded from the lower bridge.

"Activity from the two of them has been detected!"

"Really!? Can you provide a visual!?"

"Affirmative! Currently instructing autonomous cameras to rendezvous at once......"

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