Chapter 70 - Mio

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After an uncountable number of sword clashes, magical light scattered into the air. Artemisia slightly distorted her eyebrows while shaking off the laser spear dispatched by Origami.

"Sure enough, you're very capable."

"You as well," Origami responded back to Artemisia's praise.

Nonetheless, she was faintly aware from the previous battle that the combat ability of these two fighters was not truly equal.

Indeed, the amount of power Origami had at her disposal was staggering.

Integrating a hybrid between her limited Astral Dress and Angel with her CR-Unit was perhaps something no one else in the world other than her was capable of achieving.

However, even with that additional maneuver, Artemisia was still the dominant one in the battle. It might have been a different story if Origami had full access to her Spirit powers. Unfortunately, it would be difficult to defeat Artemisia with her powers sealed.

Be that as it may, it was likely that Artemisia also understood that.

Origami also understood by now that she couldn't presently rival Artemisia. That is why, rather than attempting to kill Artemisia, Origami's intentions lied on a defensive front aimed at securing enough time.

That's right, just as if waiting for something.

"............" Artemisia took a quick glance at her surroundings to assess the current situation.

In the nearby surroundings, the Bandersnatch and DEM's wizards were fighting against Mana and the Spirits Hermit and Zodiac. Amidst that chaotic battle, Artemisia was engaging in a one-on-one battle against Origami, which was likely due to their plan to block access to support from other magicians.

Was their purpose to delay Artemisia here? No, while it is important to suppress the enemy's no. 2, it would only be meaningful for the opposing party if they approach this while maintaining numerical superiority. To stop Artemisia alone, they were using a large portion of their military force in the form of three Spirits and a Wizard. From that perspective, it seemed hardly cost-efficient.

"Your goal, what on earth is it?"


Although she tried to pressure Origami with her interrogation, Origami's facial expression had not changed in the slightest.

When it comes to Origami, her most terrifying aspect lies in her cunning rather than pure brute strength. Even though she was in no danger of losing if this continued, Artemisia still wanted to decide the outcome as soon as possible.

However, in order to do so, she needed at least one more helper. The person's strength need not to compete with Origami's skill level. At that very least, it need only to be a person to cut off Origami's escape route──


While in mid-thought, Artemisia twitched her eyebrows slightly.

It was because an allied signal was confirmed by the sensor being projected onto her retina.

While also paying attention to Origami, Artemisia looked over to the other side, where several Wizards passing through the neighboring battlefield were quickly approaching their location.

Looking at the CR-Units they had equipped on, they were not DEM wizards. Likely, they were the local AST members that were requested. To be honest, their strength is lacking when combating against Spirits. However, in this demanding situation, reinforcements were exactly what she needed.

"Just in time. This is DEM second executive officer, Artemisia Ashcroft. Call sign number is Adeptus 2. I am currently battling the Spirit. Please help block off the enemy's escape route. After that, I'll handle everything else." Artemisia spoke out while kicking against the sky to accelerate towards Origami.

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