Chapter 59 - Lock

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"--Where's Ike!?"

Once she stepped foot inside DEM Industries' head office, Ellen immediately shouted in a strident voice without the remotest solicitude for her image.

"C-Chief Executive Mathers......!? What seems to be the matter, you're injured--"

The employee responsible for receiving guests in the lobby broadened his eyes as he enquired. Ellen impatiently clicked her tongue, clutching his necktie while demanding information.

"When did I say that you could worry about my body's condition? Answer the question. Ike---where is he right now?"

"Hii......, uh, W-Westcott-sama has already returned...... I'm afraid that he's currently in the infirmary."

"I see." Ellen groaned and strode across the hall without uttering another word.

Even though a few other staff members had heard the tumultuous ruckus at the front and cast their wondrous sights to the scene, when they had realized that the owner of the voice was the second highest ranking member of DEM, chief executive Ellen Mathers, everybody averted their gazes as fast as possible.

However, right now Ellen did not thoroughly resent such paltry, inessential moods.

After suffering a crushing defeat due to a tactical error in the battle in outer space, approximately three hours had passed since the semi-wrecked Goetia touched down on the surface. Ellen's state of mind was in complete chaotic shambles as myriads of emotions intermingled within.

Hate-filled bloodlust towards the Fraxinus which let her experience a humiliating disaster for the first time in her life, bitter self-condemnation towards herself for being careless, along with--

"Keeping that raid of Ratatoskr a secret from me...... What's with him-- Ike!"

--exasperated wrath towards her comrade, Isaac Westcott.

Amid the entanglement of these uncontrollable feelings, Ellen got bogged down in a disposition close to altruism. --Without even treating her severe wounds and only using her Territory to inhibit mass bleeding or pain, she hurried back to DEM Industries' headquarters.


When Ellen was domineeringly marching through the corridor, a female's voice resounded from behind her.

Within DEM Industries, only a meager few were able to address Ellen directly by her first name. Ellen did not turn her head back but recapitulated the name of the voice's owner.


"I finally found you. After I had gone to the weapons storehouse, I was informed that you had rushed to HQ. Is your body all fine?"

Thumping and quickening her pace, the blonde, ultramarine blue-eyed girl caught up. Ellen shot a glance at her with eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.

"Don't mind me. Or are you here to deride me?"

"You're saying that yourself again...... Ah, you're injured as I thought. Here, let me have a look at it."


Irritated, Ellen shrugged off Artemisia's helping hand, continuing to hasten her speed afterwards while throwing the door to the infirmary open.


Yells which were far more than audible reverberated. All the medical staff inside the room immediately looked at Ellen. And among them was--

"--Why, if it isn't Ellen. You sure did return fast. Good work to you too, Artemisia. The both of you must've gone through a fairly arduous battle."

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