Chapter 60 - All alone

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Shidou was confused. When he woke up, no one remembered him. Kotori, Tohka, Origami. His classmate Tonomachi, even the trio Ai, Mai, and Mii. The Spirits from the neighboring class 2-3, Kaguya, Yuzuru, and Kurumi did not remember him.

Nia, who lived in a high-level apartment within the city, had regarded Shidou as an impolite fan and slammed the door in his face.

On the other hand, Miku, once hearing his voice, screamed, "Kyaaaaaa!? Some strange guy called ahhhhh!?" No further contact could be established afterwards.

Lucas, even though he showed signs of remembering Shidou, did not remember him or the stuff they did together.

Not a single one he knew remembered him. It's as if he slipped into a different world where the person known as "Itsuka Shidou" did not exist.

Shidou was presently not in a classroom of Raizen High School, but outside a certain apartment complex next to the Itsuka residence——to be precise, he was situated in a position across the road where he could clearly see the building. He concealed his body from view behind an electricity pole, observing the block of flats with care.


Without being aware of how long Shidou had loitered, the doors to the apartment were flung open, and two delicate girls exited. One of them was a docile girl who wore a cute hat on her head. She was adorned in a bloated overcoat and had a rabbit puppet mounted on her left hand. The other was dressed in plain clothes and had a muffler wrapped around her neck. This girl seemed to be in a rather unpleasant mood from her expression. ——They were Spirits who lived in that mansion, Yoshino and Natsumi.

"......Uah, I'm freezing to death. My breath's so white."

"Fuuu...... it's true. Haa——"

"Hihi—! White Breath!"

In response to Natsumi's words, Yoshino exhaled rimy white puffs of air, and, bearing this, the bunny puppet Yoshinon twisted its body. Yoshino giggled happily.

But in contrast, Natsumi's expression seemed more difficult to understand... Rather, it would be better to say that she was knitting her brows out of discomfort.

"......Um, Yoshino? You didn't have to come with me to buy stuff, you know? It's not really a big deal, and if you were to catch a cold......"

"That won't happen....don't worry. I can put up with this cold pretty well. And..." Yoshino declared so as she took hold of Natsumi's hand, squeezing it into the pouch on her clothes.

"Hya?" Possibly due to being startled by Yoshino's sudden action, Natsumi yelled in surprise.

Yoshino slightly blushed before timidly stating.

"Eh...... it's warmer this way."

"Um...... yeah......"

Natsumi hummed and hawed, her face was comparatively a hundredfold more flustered than Yoshino's expression. Whether it was because the quantity of perspiration increased or otherwise, Natsumi loosened her scarf a bit with her free hand to let the breeze blow against her neck.


Watching the scene capable of bringing a smile to anyone's face many times, Shidou could only unwind the corners of his lips. But Shidou immediately reminded himself. That's right. Now was not the time to merely spy from afar. He pulled himself together by bracing his face, dashed from behind the electrical pole, and leaped before the couple of girls.

Then, he curbed the pestering unease in his heart and shouted.

"Yoshino, Natsumi! And Yoshinon!"


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