Chapter 34 - Harassment

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November 1. Lucas was exhausted.
Although they have managed to somehow avoid being picked up by the police after that encounter with Lucas' neighbors, Natsumi's harassment had continued unchecked.

If Lucas went out for a bit to do the shopping, the very regular clothes he was wearing would turn into a studded leather jacket and a single pair of briefs so that he suddenly looked like a total degenerate. Or a group of random strangers in his immediate vicinity would change into young naked girls, leading to another near miss with the police. And when he returned home, his house would be neon pink and look like a sleazy sex club. He couldn't even count the number of times he would have been socially obliterated if Ratatoskr hadn't been there to provide support. Luckily, the girls stopped going out without permission as Shidou was tasked to stay at home and watch them at all times.

"Lucas, you seem sad. Are you okay?" Kurumi peered at his face anxiously. When he looked up, he saw it wasn't just Kurumi; the Yamai sisters, Tohka, Miku, Yoshino, Kotori and even Shidou were all staring at Lucas in concern.

He shook his head to reassure everyone and let out a sigh. This whole situation was hardest for Kurumi and the others- after all, they been turned into little kids- and yet here he was feeling sorry for himself. It was shameful.

"Yeah, I'm okay," he said. "Sorry, gang."

"Mm..if you say so.." Kurumi said, not relieved at all, and he somehow felt like he could relate to all those fathers with daughters. He gently patted her head.
While it was true that Natsumi's harassment grew more malicious with each passing day, that same harassment might have been the chance he'd been looking for.

At the very least, Lucas would have had to be within range of Haniel when Natsumi altered his clothes or his surroundings. Naturally, since she herself could change into anything, it would be hard to actually identify her, but as a result of analyzing the Spirit signals over the last few days, a pattern was finally becoming clear. Reine and the rest of the Ratatoskr analysts were currently casting a net around his house with the idea that in the not-too-distant future, they would be able to capture Natsumi.
In fact, what Lucas should have actually been worried about was that Natsumi would have her fill of torturing him or get bored and abscond off somewhere.
And then he gasped.

He'd seen something flash outside the window. The same light he'd seen any number of times since this all started: the sign of Haniel's transformation ability being activated.

He watched as the interior of the Itsuka house and the girls in front of him all flashed with a faint glow.

"Wha...?!" He stared in stunned disbelief.
Everything was entirely different from what it had been only seconds earlier. Instead of their casual shirts and skirts and pants, the girls were now wearing leotards and fishnet tights-bunny-girl costumes. The shapes of the ears on each of their heads and the tails attached to the bottoms of (almost) each of their leotards were different, though. Tohka was a dog, Kotori and Kurumi were cats, Yoshino a rabbit, the Yamais monkeys, and Miku was a cow. Even Shidou's clothes were changed. He had a custom of a giant pig.

Naturally, these were extremely suggestive outfits, and the girls were all children at the moment. The scene practically reeked of criminal activity.
But that wasn't all.
Haniel's power had also transformed the familiar living room so that enormous cages now enclosed Tohka and the other girls, like they were animals in a zoo. On top of that, Lucas himself was now wearing a gaudy and over-the-top outfit, the sort of thing a nobleman out of a manga might wear, and his hand gripped a leather whip.
Naturally, the walls of the house had been stripped away, revealing this inner sanctum to the world at large. Sitting neatly above the cages was a sign that read, MY OWN PERSONAL ZOO.

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