Chapter 69 - Family

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Being suddenly ordered to such a military battlefield without being informed of the reasons for dispatch, the degree of confusion of AST's main players, led by Ryouko, could be visualized.


Then, Mikie's voice was heard coming from the communicator headset.

"This is what Origami-san had said......right?"

"..." Listen to Mikie's words, Ryouko remained silent for a while.

Certainly, it's true that the current situation was the same as predicted by her former co-worker Tobiichi Origami two days ago.

"Sure enough, Origami-san told us to hide behind the front lines......"

"W-what are you talking about? No matter what the form, the mission will not change. As long as there is a Spirit, it is our job to defeat it."


Mikie still refused to stop.

As her superior, it was appropriate to scold Mikie for arguing against the order......however, Ryouko just snorted and said nothing. To be honest, Ryouko's current mood was similar to Mikie's.

Even if she was a former colleague, she couldn't completely believe in Origami. However, if she would go so far as to say that the contents of what she had said were completely unfounded, that wouldn't be the case either.

Based on the various events that have occurred so far, a considerable number of doubts and mistrust has accumulated weight against DEM. Depending on the individual as well, there seemed to be people who think that a mutual understanding can be reached through communicating with the Spirits.

However, the pride and responsibilities as captain of AST had forced her to minimize these sentiments that were expected to flow.

No, not only that but more accurately.

The moment of believing in Origami's words was the same thing as accepting that everything done up until now had been a mistake. To acknowledge that terrified her.

At that moment, while perceiving such thinking, the communication system rang──it was a Wizard from DEM Industries.

"Hello? Are you Captain Ryouko-san from AST?"

"......Yes, it's me? Who is this?"

"DEM second executive Irene Fox. I appreciate the cooperation. The situation is urgent. Please launch an assault on the Spirits at this location. We will provide support for you."

"Ha......? Wait, how come so suddenly."

Having not responded back to the question, the communication was cut off shortly. Just like that, a mark was projected onto the map indicating where to go.

Looking on the position being on displayed, just as Eileen had said, there was a Spirit fighting against the mechanical dolls. It was Hermit.

"Ah, shit, what the hell is this?" Ryouko anxiously scratched her head and let out a deep sigh before injecting energy into the arm holding her laser gun.

"Work is work. Let's go!"

"U-understood......!" As Ryouko gave out her commands, the AST members responded back despite the hesitation in their voices.

While operating the thrusters attached to their backs, they formed a formation to attack Hermit.

"Eat this!"

"! Ku──"

As Ryouko released a barrage from her laser gun, Hermit responded back by gathering the cold air to form a defensive ice barrier.

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