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Jennie's POV

I woke up because a soft lips touched my cheek, I slowly opened my eyes and I smiled when I saw how  my wife looked at me admiringly.

God! she is so beautiful how can I not love such a beautiful creature like her?
I'm humble to myself.

"good morning, why are you looking at me like that?" My voice is hoarse because I just woke up.

"I just want to admire the perfect woman that the Lord has created for me." she looked so serious when she said that.

"It's too early to flatter my love." I tried to hide the thrill I was feeling.

"What did I do in the past to deserve you?" She's weird now but I can feel that it's coming from her heart, I just can't read the expression on her face.

"hey what's wrong?" I was alarmed when I saw the tears that wanted to escape from her eyes.

" why did you do that?" She asked softly before she looked away from me.

I thought about what I did to make her like this but I don't remember anything. " what is it my love?" I am very confused.

" you shouldn't have done that, if you had let Mr. Kang goes with his plan, your family wouldn't be blaming you." when she said that I just remembered what happened yesterday.

This is my exact reason why I chose to keep quiet and not let her know about  it because I know that despite the sacrifice I made, i feel like I am still at fault.

I was about to answer when the door suddenly opened and the three competed to see who would get to the bed first. "good morning mommy and daddy." The two girls greeted us, but Lucas just stared at me and his Dada obviously noticed the negative energy that surrounded the area.

I greeted them with a kiss and immediately left the bed and excused myself to prepare food.

Please Lord help me this time, I'm begging you don't let our problem get worse, give me and my wife enough understanding so that we can solve the looming problem.

I secretly prayed while I prepared food.

I was deep in thought when I felt an arm wrapped around my waist and it was lucas." hey what's the matter?" I asked worriedly when I saw the concern on his facial expression.

"You're okay, aren't you?" he stopped himself from crying.

I'm alarmed, I know my son is a mature and intelligent child, but he obviously needs the help of an expert, I'm worried about his emotions whenever he sees something different in  Lisa and my behavior.

"honey listen, i already told you this before it's normal for married couples to have misunderstandings, you shouldn't feel this way once you notice something different in our behavior, as I told you before, me and Dada are okay, we just don't understand each other sometime , but we can talk about it. I promise what  happened before won't happen  again, we learn from our past experiences."

"promise?" he was obviously not sure.

"I'm sorry we let you feel the fear you feel every time dada and I have a misunderstanding."  it felt like thousands of needles were piercing my chest while I was saying that to my son.

"I'm scared, mommy, I'm used to the set up that we are complete and we're happy, I'm afraid that I might wake up one day and we'll go back to the way we were before." he was crying.

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