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Jennie's POV

I finished humming the song and I can't help myself but smile  when I saw that my two princesses had fallen asleep. I fixed their blankets and kissed them before I left their room.

I went to Lucas' room to check if he was asleep but when I opened  his door his light was still on and he was reading a book. I sat next to him he looked at me before he closed his book and placed it on his side table.

" Why are you still awake?" he hugged me around my waist and settled himself in my chest.

"mom, dada is not a bad person, right?" I was surprised by his sudden question, this is the first time I've heard him mention his dada since we left,  but I tried to be composed.

" She's not honey, why would you think that your dada is bad?" I tried not to stutter.

"She hurt you, but she didn't mean it right? I saw it and Lian also saw it.

earlier I heard Lian, she was talking to her playmate and she said that she hates dada because she's bad she is always screaming at you and she hurt you mom." he sobbed, I felt like I was being stabbed to hear what Lucas was saying.

I wiped his tears and forced myself to smile. "how about you, do you hate your dada too?" Say no please, i mumbled to myself.

He shook his head and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dada is not bad, honey. I had a lot of shortcomings with dada as her wife and with you and your sisters at that time. I drowned myself at work that I forgot my obligation as a mother and wife to our family, so dada got mad, she  hurt me, but that doesn't mean she's bad." God help me to explain to him that he would understand.

"Dada loves us, she loves me, the reason why we have you and your sisters and she loves you and your two sisters too. The night she hurt me, she didn't mean it. She was just driven by her anger so she did it but one thing is for sure, she regretted it. " I explained to him.

"mommy, will our family be complete again? can i still see dada or we will never see dada forever? I miss her mommy."  He asked hopefully.

" I can't answer your question for now sweetheart, maybe the time will come when we are ready to talk to each other. I can't promise you anything but when that time comes I will try our best  to fix us." I hugged him tight not sure about what i said and as I do his sisters, I hummed a song for him while caressing his back and after a while I heard his soft snoring.

I went to my room with a heavy heart knowing that Lian hates her dada. It was two years ago and I was surprised that at the age of three years old at that time, she still remembered what happened and I had no idea that she planted it in her mind.

About Lucas, I know how much he loves her dada.

Lisa gained our son's trust and love during times when I was drowning in my work and lost time with them. I'm not jealous because she deserves all the love from her children, she was a responsible parent despite being busy with work, she gave our children enough time that I couldn't.

My heart breaks every time I remember the first few months we move away from Lisa, Lucas always smiling to hide his sadness. In two years that passed this was the first time he mentioned Lisa and i hate myself because he is crying.

I know that he really misses Lisa but he never asks me to see her only now.

One of the biggest reasons why I decided to stay away from her is because I don't want our children to be even more traumatized by our daily fights.

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