Pt XIX: Elaha

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His rough hands grip my waist and I feel his hot breath as he bites my neck. "Fuck" He breathes. "You're so easy to break." I hold onto him as his dark words wash over me, am I pushing him away or pulling him closer?


With a few days left to their concert, I'm bombarded with late night rehearsals after my shifts in the hospital. Thankfully I'm in the pediatrics unit which gives me ample time to visit Yasmin and check on her health. Seeing the glow of health slowly return back to her cheeks, is what drives me through my day and offers a pleasant distraction from him. She greets me with a smile every morning and chats about a new friend she has made, though she never says his name. I'm assuming he's an attending physician whose patient enough to listen to her girlish antics. At least she will be in safe hands in the days I am gone.

I wonder if he knows where I'll be. Would he look for me?

I push the thought away, refusing to think of him. Grabbing my hospital badge, I leave the building and head out waiting for Vessel to pick me up and drive me to the rehearsal. I wave goodbye to the girls as they wish me luck on my trip. Ever since the car incident he's been insistent of driving me to and from work claiming that 'it's safer this way.' But I sense that it's his guilt as if he's blaming himself for the theft. He rarely talks during the drives and seems vaguely uncomfortable. 

Like right now, he pulls up on his bike and nods his head in greeting. Which is odd usually he drives a car when he comes to pick me up. Wouldn't he want to have more distance between us? 

I let out a sigh and try again, "you know you could just-."

"Elaha stop it." He grits out. "I said I'd drive you and I will." 

He speeds up leaving me in a slight shock. I wrap my arms around his waist trying to give him as much space as possible. There was something familiar in the aggressive way he said my name. Whatever, you're just being delusional. We spend the rest of the drive in silence and I find myself watching him more closely. Vessel isn't great at showing his emotions but in the time I've spent with him and have gotten to know him, I know that he wouldn't do something if he was truly not into it. But why is he so adamant about spending time with me when he's clearly unhappy. 

Once we approach the parking lot of the building he slams the breaks and I crash into him. "Wha-woah." I mumble out as I try to regain my balance. He lets out a dark chuckle and gets off the bike.

"Maybe next time you should have held on tighter." He turns around and walks towards the building giving me whiplash.

What the hell? I stumble after him in a daze. Maybe I just need to confront him and see what's wrong. 


We spend the next hour rehearsing with costumes and alternating the choreography to give the band a new look. My costume is in London so I practice with comfortable clothes but according to IV it's a stunning gown. I look to Vessel, whose stretching his legs and drinking from a bottle of water at the corner of the stage. There's a darkness that surrounds him like a bubble. From a glance, one may think it comes from within. But the Vessel I've come to know is one that wears the darkness like a cloak to hide the eyes of the lamb. 

My gaze strays to where his large hand holds the bottle as he brings it to his lips. The long column of his throat works in a rhythmic motion as he swallows, the muscles flexing subtly under his skin. The cool water glistens on his lips, a droplet escaping to trace a path down his chin. His eyes close momentarily, savoring the refreshing sensation. His hand flexes and crushes the bottle, as he exhales a satisfied sigh. 

I feel my face heat as I watch him. Just a simple act from him should not be this erotic. His hands are so large. I wonder how they would feel if they were wrapped around my-

"You're drooling." 

I cover my mouth and my face flushes as II shakes his head at me and walks away. My eyes shift towards Vessel whose smirks at me and turns his back. My mouth feels so dry as I avert my gaze and busy myself with cleaning up the set before getting ready to leave with Vessel.


The sound of the engine brings me out of my daze. My arms feel so numb with how tight I held onto him. The entire ride he made it a point to drive at insane speeds and make sudden stops, testing to see if I'd hold on hard enough. To say I feared for my life would be an understatement, I feel my entire body shaking from anxiety and a slight thrill. Being near him brings out a sense of comfort within me that I don't usually feel. 

"I'll drive you to the airport tomorrow, okay?" 

I nod dumbly as he wraps his hand around my shaking hands. 

"Next time, don't push me." He squeezes my hands, leaving me aching for something more and leaves. 

I somehow manage to make it inside and pass out from the exhaustion.


His rough hands grip my waist and I feel his hot breath as he bites my neck and sucks on the sensitive skin.

 "Fuck" He breathes. 

"You're so easy to break." 

I hold onto him as his dark words wash over me, blinding me with lust. He pushes harder into me, my back digging into the hard metal bars on the set. I let out a whimper as he covers my mouth with his large hand.

"You like that, huh? I saw you watching me today." He says in between biting and kissing my neck. 

He moves his lips towards my jaw and nips his way to my ear. 

"Tell me, do you like it when I take your control away from you?"

I feel myself pull him closer. Yes, yes I do. 


I wake up with a pounding heart. My phone dings with a message and I reach over the bed to check it. My overly sensitive skin heats at the feel of the sheets brushing against it. Wishing for someone else's touch.  I unlock the phone and read the message, seeking a distraction. 

Unknown: I'll see you in London baby. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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