Pt XI: Elaha

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*Unread Messages*

 o Hey, can you pick up the night shift for next week? I'm attending a conference in Florida. Thx- Sarah

o Hospital Bill for Yasmin: Your next payment is due in 30 days...

o Kindle Unlimited:  New Dark Romance Book Reaches Over 1 M+ Reads!! Check out the promo. 

o Stay Tuned:  Good Morning Elaha. This is Sleep from Stay Tuned, a popular podcast located in the UK, I've noticed you are affiliated with the band Sleep Token and would like to ask you some questions for our upcoming episode.  I'm curious as to why someone from your background would choose to associate with a nameless band from a foreign country. Can you call me? 

o (153 unread) 'The 'L' in Vessel' : AYO BRUV STAHP at least my voice isn't as shit as yours...  


     Blood rushed into my cheeks, as I stared at his looming figure. I felt his anger as he prowled towards me, nearly caging me against the door of the small recording booth. Not to mention his height easily made any room small.  Part of me felt his anger was directed towards me, but I couldn't pinpoint why. 

    I looked up to his face that was twisted in a growl which was out of norm from his usual reserved and silent personality. I was about to dismiss his sudden outburst, as loss of control over an apparently sore topic, until he leaned over me with one hand resting above the door.  "From now on, you only trust me and take orders from me, understood?" I blink. Wait, what? "Its just an interview." I try to reason but his proximity and anger is making me slightly nervous and his one word responses. 

    I stare at the freshly coated black paint on his mouth as his words echo in my head. You take order from me. For a moment, I'm reminded of the man from the night before. His demanding energy and barely leashed temper was familiar with the Vessel whose inches away from me. Fighting to stay calm I open my mouth to change the topic, but now words come out. He's close enough for me to feel the heat radiating off of him, his sharp intake of breath as he leans closer, and of course a nervous energy that isn't usually there. 

    Is he really upset over me interviewing and possibly saying something negative about the band? Or is his problem with Sleep? Or whatever her name was. She didn't strike me as an evil woman, albeit her email was a bit odd and it made me defensive reading it but she seemed normal. Odd. 

   Realizing that I've zoned out on his mouth, I fight the blush and attempt to look away to keep a shred of dignity even though he just spent the past ten minutes infuriated with me. Suddenly, IV knocks loudly from behind the door and Vessel tenses further. His knuckles are almost white from how hard he's gripping them. I use it as an excuse to escape his body cage and rush out the door to greet the rest of the team. As I slip out he lowers his hand from the door and his fingers slightly brush my face as he turns away, "I'll be out in a second." 

   Fighting the sense of awkwardness and-. No. I can't go there, but I can't stop myself. Every brush of his body against mine whether intentional or not, lights up something within me and leaves me wanting more of him. And I feel so empty whenever his attention leaves me. I need to get a grip, gosh. 

   I make my way and say hello to II and III and IV leads me to a table that's scattered with papers, crumpled papers, snacks, and...more crumpled papers. I hide a grin at the messy but productive environment. "Whatever you're thinking just stop, I bet your place is just as messy." IV says in mock anger as he adjusts his mask. "Oh so you read minds now? I was just going to ask what was on the papers." He shrugs as he pulls up two chairs for us to sit on, " just the usual, lyrics and drafts of music." As he sets up the paperwork I take a moment to truly look around their workplace. I imagine them sitting late at night practicing together, eating together... My mind instantly drifts to Vessel again. 

  I wonder how he looks like when he sits there and writes songs. I want to see the moment he's inspired by something and he practices different variations of sounds to make it what he deems as perfect. I imagine the sound of satisfaction he makes as he finishes a piece and practices it. Like when he was singing my- "Elaha." What? 

  "Elaha, darlin' you good?" I stare at IV whose waving an empty plastic water bottle at me. "Yeah, why?" He frowns for a second and throws it at me for good measure. "Hey! What was that for." He grins, "you ignored every single word I've been saying for the past few minutes, are you okay?" 

  "That's because half the shite you say is worthless!" III yells. IV flicks him off. 

 Yup, yes. Totally fine. Sorry, I totally wasn't day dreaming about your boss right now.  I nod my head in what I hope is an honest response but he just stares at me. "What happened back there with Vessel, did you guys get in an argument about the band?" I vigorously shake my head, "no, I'm not sure what happened he seemed upset." "Don't let it get to you, he's been really stressed about the band. It's all he has worked toward and he doesn't take betrayal and disloyalty lightly." Disloyalty? What happened with that woman? "And he's usually more of a reserved person." IV adds in his defense.  "I understand, my sister is like that too." Just the thought of my sister makes my heart squeeze. 

   As IV shuffles papers around for the meeting, my eyes catch on a half slip that had fallen to the floor. I lean down to pick it up, to read the lyrics but a large painted hand wraps around my wrists in a tight grip. My heart rate picks up and beats erratically as I feel the sharp heat of his touch down to my core. I look up at him as he pulls a chair and sits besides me and pulls the IV's papers towards himself. He silences IV's protests with one look and then turns to me.

    "Didn't they teach you to not touch what isn't yours?" His grip tightens to the point of bruising, and he leans closer to whisper the rest in my ear. "spying doesn't suit an angel like you now does it?"

    II and III come to stand around the table as IV says, "oh come on Vessel it's not like she's going to read your lyrics and tell Sienna everything." IV looks at me, "you wouldn't do that right?" Of course I wouldn't, is what I want to say. But my tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth.

  I've heard that nickname before. If only I could remember the difference between dream and reality.

If I'm an angel to him, then what is he to me?

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