Pt XVIII: Vessel

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I'm no saint. When something is mine, I don't fucking share. Right now, Elaha is mine. Whether she knows it or not. 

 When I saw her calling IV instead of me, it awakened a possessive instinct within me. I was willing to sabotage anyone and anything that posed a threat between me and her. Taking note that he was helping III with something, I subtly hung up the phone and waited for her to call me instead.  

I hadn't texted her since her bratty message from the night prior,  letting her believe she had finally lost me. Let the little angel think she can run away, it'll only make the hunt that much sweeter.  

Now, as I drive to find her I'm left to ponder on her situation. I had merely thought she was calling to announce that she was going to cancel or arrive later due to her work.  But instead, her usual calm exterior was replaced with a frenzy I've yet to witness from such a level-headed person like her. I let out a smirk as I pull into the parking lot, she thinks it's her stalker that would have hurt her. Yet unbeknownst to her, she seeks refuge in the monster whose hunting her.

I'll find who hurt her, because I have no doubt that it was an intended threat towards me. 

Turning off the car, I step out and see her walking nervously in the lobby. The guard, a male slightly older than me, watches her pacing from the desk. Either watching her in suspicion or in interest. I grit my teeth in annoyance and make my way towards the entrance. Pulling my hoodie down and my fabric mask over my face I glare at the guard as I approach her. 

I relish in the way she stiffens, but doesn't turn as she senses me at her back. I tug on her hijjab. "What happened to your sarcasm hm?" 

She exhales in relief and turns to me, her eyes wide with emotion. Fuck, I'm not the saviour you long for Elaha. "You came." 

"Of course I did." I gesture to the exit. "Let's go before we're late to the meeting." She hangs her head in defeat and walks alongside me. It's not in my nature to comfort others and I want nothing more than to punish her for her bratty text earlier. But I put an effort, even if it's a little awkward, just to bring her out of her melancholy mood. 

"How about we stop by and get Ice cream?" I wince. I sound ridiculous, but it does the trick. Her eyes brighten up as we sit in the car and wait for it to warm up again. Part of me doesn't even want to  take her back with them, I want to spend more time with her and not have to share her attention. But the band needs me and if my past gets released to the media, for any reason, my livelihood is done for. 

"Are you sure you want to do that?" She asks cautiously. I look at her as I pull out the parking lot.

 "why wouldn't I?" 

She bites her lip trying to discern the emotion in my eyes. No, I'd rather take you somewhere no one else can find you. I want to watch your fear turn into passion. I want to watch your eyes when you realize who I am and that I will never let you go little angel. 

"Why don't we grab some for the others too and take it back to the building." She says thoughtfully. I grip the steering wheel tighter and grunt in acknowledgement. I don't want to. 

We pull into the drive through and I order chocolate ice cream for me and the boys and I turn to her waiting for her order. Instead I see her messing with the different gadgets in the car as she peaks into the glove box. I shake my head. Nosy little thing

"Elaha, focus for a second. What's your order?" She looks up shamelessly from her prying. "Just vanilla." And she goes back to reading something she found in the dashboard. I turn back around and complete the order and drive up to grab the ice creams. 

I hand her the vanilla cone so she can have it in the car. She lets out an excited squeal and turns back to reading the little notepad.

"Thank you!"

I nod and watch her from my periphery as I drive. Fuck, she's so easy to please. She sits there humming quietly, reading God knows what, and she never ceases to smile. I could just take her away right now. Take her back to London, and no one would be wiser. Control. Stay focused. 

Unfortunately for me, we arrive at the building sooner than I wished. As we walk inside Elaha brushes her arm against mine and looks at me shyly. 


I stiffen at the touch. The idea of being touched by another person when I'm not the one initiating it makes bile crawl up my throat. You belong to me now, and I'm not done with you. So until then, you do whatever pleases me, Vessel.

Elaha notices my reaction and pulls back. "Thank you for coming for me tonight, I-." She swallows and I watch her intently. I notice she's stuffed the small notebooks in her pocket. I'll have to ask her later what it was. 

"I felt safer around you and I want-." I eagerly move forward to hear the rest of what she has to say but then IV and the rest come out into the hall and cut her off. Fucking hell. This is why I don't share.

"Ah Elaha, you got us ice cream!"  III calls out. 

"Fucker, the bag is in my hand." I tell him as II yanks the bag out of my grip. 

"She's making you soft." II adds and I stifle the urge to punch him.

IV walks up to Elaha. "Alright, she's cold people. Let's go back in where it's warm. " He looks at me then smiles back at her. "Glad you could make it." I glare at him, I know what he's doing and I'll get him back once this is all over. 


After a very uncomfortable and loud forty-five minutes, everyone had finished their ice cream. I went to the piano and strummed a few keys for a warm up. I looked to Elaha who was nervously practicing with III and IV intent on getting it right. 

I gesture to II and he begins the set for Chokehold. 

Closing my eyes, I let the rhythm flow through me and begin to sing. 

"When we were made, It was no accident..."


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