Pt II: Vessel

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Vessel's POV


I stare at the time above the sound booth the lyrics half written. Running my hands through my hair I let out a sigh. She's on my mind wherever I go. No matter how hard I try to forget our encounter from yesterday, something about her selflessness and honesty hooked itself within me. I rub my hand on the band aid from the IV that was running through me yesterday as III walks in with a bottle of water. He sets his guitar down and watches me silently. "You still thinking about her?" I ignore his question and go back to working on the lyrics singing them in my head, to see which sounds better. III huffs in mock annoyance and sits across from me staring at me. He sits still for a few moments before putting down a folder in front of me.

"Mate, if you're thinking about her you might as well work on the choreography so you can see her sooner." I glare at him and he grins. "Or we can just make him go to the hospital again." IV yells from the other room. "She won't work in the Emergency Room anymore." I mumble. She said that it was her last shift and she would be moving to another rotation after last night. Stop this, you're not good enough. Leave her be and focus on not letting down your band. II and IV walk into the booth and sit down by III. "What's that? The rest of us didn't hear you." II asks loudly and I feel a blush brush up my neck. "Fuck off, all of you. Let's work on rehearsing Chokehold ." I stand and head to the electric piano trying to push her voice, her scent, her large chocolate eyes...God she looked like a mystery under that hijab and I wanted to rip apart every wall she has built around her soul and make her mine.

The rest of them shake their heads staring at me like I'm a sick puppy. "I think we're going to text Elaha and have her come to meet the team and practice. You can stay here." III says and IV adds, "she's cute, wonder how she's like in bed." II and III chuckle and bump fists. Wanting to egg me on, I fist my hands at my sides ignoring the blood pounding in my ears. "She never gave me her number." This time III smirks and pulls out his phone, when you were too busy staring at her face as she fussed over you, I took the liberty to get her number and give her yours."

Oh, then why hasn't she texted me?

Because she doesn't care about you and isn't obsessive over things like you.

III waves the phone in the air and leans forward to whisper in my ear, "you're down bad, mate." I push him back and run my hands through my hair. "Fuck". Maybe I'm so deprived of attention that anyone who shows me kindness makes their way to my heart. IV shakes his head and III grabs my shoulder, oops. I must have said that shit out loud. "You have us, you have me." He says.

I close my eyes and throw caution to the wind. Fuck it. I'll text her and use this choreographing as an excuse to get close to her and if she pushes me away...Just like everyone else, then...I'm not worth it.


I stare at my phone as I sit on the bed. Well, I just texted her.

"Hey Elaha this is Vessel."

The words stare out at me. Fuck, should I have said thank you for helping me? I should just delete the message she probably doesn't need someone problematic like me in her life.

Within moments my phone dings with a message.

"Hi! Are you feeling better? :)" My heartbeat accelerates as I quickly type out a response.

"Yes, thank you." Am I too cold?

"Did you drink water haha."

I look at the half-filled water bottle that III gave me earlier. I should drink more, if it makes her happy.

"Yes." I text back.

She sends a questioning emoji and a laugh escapes me. Now, I'm filled with a need to continue the conversation for longer. My finger shakes as I hit the call button. As the phone rings, my heart pounds. What if she doesn't respond? What if I'm being too forward?

Her soft bubbly voice fills the line. " Vessel?" So soft. So sweet.

I laugh lightly, "it's me. I wanted to thank you over the phone."

"Oh, stop! It was my job and I'm glad you're better. So what's up?"

"Umm. Will you come to our band practice building tomorrow to talk." She pauses a moment and I hear fumbling over the line and her voice comes out breathless.

"Sure! Just send me the address." I quickly text it to her, excitement growing inside me like a wave.

She stays quiet over the line and I hear background noises. Fuck, I don't want to hang up but she seems busy. I hear a tiny yelp in the background.

"What are you doing?"

"Just making food and multi tasking by moving boxes around."

"Oh, okay. I won't bother you. See you tomorrow. Uh-Nice talking to you Elaha."

She interrupts me by telling me that I'm not bothering her but I need to control myself I have obsessive tendencies and I can't let her get in between me and my disorder. And just the thought of her rejecting me hurts more than it should. I end the call with a 'good night' and lay back in bed, counting the hours till tomorrow.

That night when sleep comes to me, all I dream of is the caress of a soft black scarf. The warmth of warm brown eyes, and the laughter that can cure the hearts of a thousand men.

Maybe obsession isn't bad after all.

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