Meeting Him Pt I

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Chapter I

I brushed the stray bands of my hair back into my scarf. It had been a long day at work in the hospital, and I was exhausted. I checked my watch again. 6:00 pm. My shift was over, maybe I could make it to the Sleep Token concert in time.

As I headed to my car and left the hospital, my phone began to ring and my stomach began to drop as I read the caller ID. "Hello this is Elaha I'm a resident here." The speaker behind the phone began to frantically speak, "we have an emergency patient coming in, and consider this your last task at this rotation please ensure their privacy as you treat them. " I sigh as I walk back to the hospital Emergency Room, I guess no Sleep Token this year. It's the third time in a row I've missed the concert. Stop it, you should be honored you are saving lives.

"What are the patient symptoms?" , they pause. "Go into room 237A, it is an Adult Male he passed out on stage and was brought here." I quickly head to my office and grab my white coat as I enter the emergency room. On stage. Another reminder I missed the only thing I've been looking forward to. The first time I missed the concert was because I couldn't've afford the tickets. It was either paying for food or going to the concert. The second time was because a close friend needed the money for a family emergency, and who was I to be selfish and withhold that from her. And now....

I tighten my scarf and enter the room. Blinking once. Twice. No. This doesn't make sense. I cough to hide my confusion and head to the computer with shaky hands. "Sir, is everything okay?" He gives a self deprecating grimace and nods. I bet I look like a gaping fish. "I just fainted, but my team insisted I come here." He rasps in a gravelly voice. The lilt of his English accent did funny things to my stomach. I pull out the stethoscope and head towards him. He looks down. "I ruined their night."

"Vessel, don't say that." I whisper as I take in his mask as he lays on the bed with an IV attached to him. His grimace deepens, "you know me?" then he winces as I adjust the IV. He's clearly low on blood sugar and dehydrated. I nod quickly wanting to keep him comfortable and to remain professional. "M-may I?" He lays back. I check his heart rate, trying hard to focus. But the heat of his bare skin and his scent is like a drug. I can't believe he's here. I turn to adjust the blood pressure cuff on him to confirm his diagnosis when he grabs my wrist. "Have I seen you before?" Heat rushes to my face, "I-I don't think so sir. It's the first time I've seen you up close." I mumble. He shakes his head and smiles to himself.

"I've been here multiple times now for fainting. I've seen you before. You're the only one that wears a hijjab here." He says to himself while he looks at my name tag as if to commit the name to memory. Oh please don't feed into my delusions. Don't make me fall for you. I smile softly as I take his blood pressure and note it into the system. Every few seconds I glance at him hoping to catch him thinking but he's looking straight at me, as if he can see into my soul.


"Vessel, ma'am. Call me Vessel." I blush as I pull my seat closer to him and hand him some sugared water to raise his blood pressure. The mask hides most of his face but watching him drink from the cup slowly as he fumbles awkwardly is both endearing and well..Hot. I start again, "Vessel, based on your history and the blood tests that were done and what I confirmed just now, you have hypotension. You've overworking yourself on stage, not drinking enough water, and having an inadequate diet." His shoulders tense as if he's weighed down by heavy burden. "I- it doesn't matter. I do this to forget." His eyes pleading.

"I does matter." I say firmly. Then I move closer, no matter who my patients are I love them with my whole heart. He matters. "Vessel, you matter. So many people love you." My breath catches I love you. " Let me be there for you." He sighs and nods "Okay, Elaha." I smile at the mention of my name and squeeze his shoulder through the light fabric of his costume. "I'm done with my ER room rotations, I'm going to be a general physician soon if you ever need someone to keep you on your toes, I'm here for you."

I disconnect the IV and help him stand. Everywhere his skin brushes against mine and I'm filled with the longing to hold him closer. To love him. To care for him. To make him mine. I shake my head. He probably is used to many women wanting him and already has a love. The thought fills me green with rage.

He looks at me intently as I help him out. Wanting to comfort him, "if it makes you feel better I have been wanting to attend your concerts for years now. But each time I wasn't able to. I guess in a twisted way today my dream came true. Thank you for letting me care for you." I mumble our embarrassed. I look at his face and he reaches to touch my scarf, "Why?". I lose my train of thought. "Why do I cover my hair?" He nods as he keeps his eyes on my scarf. Suddenly I'm shy it's just a regular black scarf and I'm an average girl, the thoughts in my head grow louder. He would never want someone so difficult and bound by rules like me. I step back.

"To protect my modesty, and to ensure a man falls in love with me for who I am. and vice versa." I blush as he moves his hand to trace the blush on my cheek. "So beautiful." He breathes.

Instinctively I lean forward to his touch, God I'm so deprived I want all of him. He's about to say something but he's cut off by his band members. III steps up with a smirk, or at least what seems like one behind the mask. "Well, well, well. Vessel you seem to be healed enough." II chuckles while IV pipes up , "Look, I didn't know you had a doctor kink." Vessel blushes as he softly, says thank you to me. I smile at him and as I turn to leave and head to my office, I hear III ask loudly, "did you tell her about our project?"

I suck in a breath as II goes, "she's perfect for it and she's already covering her hair." I hear Vessel grumble about something. I continue in my office but suddenly a hand holds me back.

I turn to see Vessel grip my wrists, "since you've helped me so much do you want to do something for the band." I widen my eyes. "I can't sing or dance, I'm just a nerdy doctor." He shakes his head, "we want you to act out some of the songs when I'm singing you will be fully covered. Chokehold and Rain are two that we have choreographed, tell me you'll come Elaha." Oh God, the way my name sounds with his accent.

Say yes, do it. I look to the other members and they're smirking as Vessel's grip tightens "Please Angel" And the walls crumble.

"Okay what do I do."

And his smile was worth it all. Even under the mask, his smile could light a thousand stars."

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