"Everyone out." He demands. "Now."

He gaze doesn't break from mine as he speaks and I swallow audibly as the men drop what they're doing and exit the room swiftly. Shit.

I take a step back, wanting some space. He can have his win. He advances. I take another step back. He advances some more.

Before I can take a third step, Kian's arm shoots out and grips my waist tightly. "They're gone. Now what?" He asks gruffly.

He stares down at me intently and the butterflies in my stomach flutter. "Nothing," is my response. Kian raises his eyebrow at me, silently demanding further explanation.

"Like I said, I can unpack everything myself," I say defiantly.

Kian smirks, pulling me towards him roughly with one hand still on my waist and the other going through my hair, softly gripping my scalp so my face is tipped upwards. "You're lips say one thing." He pauses, tracing my lips with the thumb of the hand that's in my hair. He parts my lips with his thumb, holding it there for a few seconds lost in thought before he moves it and continues speaking. "But you're actions say something else."

My actions? My words echo my confusion verbally but Kian doesn't seem to hear me, instead lost in a spell I'm not yet a part of. I'm still immobile from his hold on me so I can only watch as his eyes peruse my body at a leisurely pace. He stops when he gets to my chest.

"You're not wearing a bra," he states plainly and it's then that I realise that I'm wearing a faded, thin top- one that has been worn down by multiple washes and an item of clothing I would only wear at home. Crap.

"I-I didn't know that you were here." I hate myself for the small stutter that falls out of my mouth. "Here at the apartment," I try and correct myself. "And the movers..." I trail off, not wanting to make this situation any worse.

Kian's focus remains on my chest and like clockwork when I'm so close to him, my body begins to react. What feels like minutes of his focus is probably only mere seconds and I'm officially under Kian's spell as my nipples tighten and my breath shutters.

I pray he doesn't notice but I'm not so lucky. "Cold?" He questions smugly. The hand gripping my waist moves north and to my absolute shock, his hand brushes my breast, catching my nipple with the slightest of touch. It happens so quickly that I wouldn't believe it happened if I wasn't so hyperaware and sensitive right now.

I gasp in response and Kian's eyes shoot up to mine. They're molten lava, simmering with barely contained restraint and a thrill shoots up my spine at the thought of him letting go completely.

"I want dinner twice a week," he demands, not breaking eye contact. It takes a moment for his words to register as I'm too busy being lost in the abyss of his eyes.

"Dinner?" My voice is breathy, that of a wanton woman and doesn't sound like my own.

"I'll send them away if you have dinner with me twice a week," Kian clarifies. His eyes burn into mine as he speaks. They scream danger and promise carnage yet I somehow find myself agreeing to his terms.

The words barely leave my lips before Kian's face descends and his mouth is hot on mine. He ravishes me, and I take it all, still not being able to move from his hold. If I'm honest, I don't put in an ounce of effort to break free, instead meeting his fire with my own.

Kian's grip tightens as he tries to pull me closer and he swallows my involuntary moan at the feel of his body pressed against my chest. The thin material of my top is barely a barrier and the delicious friction of his muscled body against my nipples has me wanting to cry out for more. That, coupled with his hardness pressing against my stomach, has me soaked in a matter of a few moments.

Morally Grey (Grey Morals #1)Where stories live. Discover now