“I know you want me so bad!” I whispered into her ears and then, tightened my grip around her waist.

Sarah understood what I meant, and I could tell she smiled afterward but would have her face hidden from me.

I turned her slowly facing me this time, as I bit the inside of my teeth hiding my grin.

“I love you, Sarah,” I murmured as I leaned forward, covering her mouth with mine. And then I sucked on her lower lips softly. Reassuring that none of what had happened in the club was ever going to repeat itself, my kisses grew more hungry and demanding as I pulled her closer to my chest.

“Ryan!” Her face turned serious as she pushed me off. For a minute I still couldn’t understand what her problem was exactly but knew something was definitely up with her.

“What have I done this time Sarah? I asked frustratingly.

I hated how it was she always made my obsession for her visible and so hard to hide.

“You are doing it again!” She yelled at me with a frown on her face.

I moved closer to her but then she flinched again.

“Sarah please stop this,” I blurted out, not caring whether or not I sounded rude to her.

“Ryan, enough of all this,” She shot at me taking her gaze off as she walked over to her desk.

I stood for a couple of minutes trying to understand, what she meant.

“What do you mean?” I asked as I walked back to her desk leaning on her desk.

“The tutoring,” She replied.

My eyes widened as I stood staring at her wondering why she was suddenly acting up lately.

“Is there something you are not telling me or something I have done?” I asked.

“I can’t be your private tutor, Ryan,” She shot at me.

Silence fell immediately, interrupted only by the ticking sound from the clock in her office.

“I’m confused,” I yelled as I clenched my fist trying to control my emotions.

She took her eyes off her textbook and then over to me. “I said what I said Ryan,” She glared at me.

“But I haven’t done anything wrong!” I shot at her as I sat next to her grabbing her by the hand as I stared into her eyes.

It’s been months since I discovered my feelings for her, and it’s been growing stronger and stronger by the day that it sometimes overwhelmed me.

“I won’t let things get awkward between us, ever if that’s what you are worried about,” I said with so much conviction in my voice.

“It’s not about any of that Ryan,” She said as she spun her chair around.

“Then what’s the main issue here?” I asked.

“It’s…” She stuttered as she had her back against me by her desk.

“I feel all of this is slowly getting out of hand,” She responded.

“Why would you say that?” I asked standing up on my feet.

She stayed silent for a couple of minutes, as she looked away not wanting to lock eyes with me.

“I have talked about that and I meant every word I said,” I said.

“And it’ll continue,” She glared at me.

I ran my hands through my hair, as I walked over to the window wondering where exactly I had gone wrong.

“What’s happening?” I asked.

“I can’t tutor you Ryan, I said it again and I’d say it over and over again,” She shot at me for the umpteenth time.

I looked over to the door hoping no one heard us argue which obviously would get us into trouble with the school management.

“It would never happen again,” I replied taking her hand in mine.

“Ryan for heaven’s sake, this has got to stop!” She yelled refusing to listen to me.

I knelt in front of her holding her hand up to my mouth wishing she could see how serious I was sticking to my words.

“I’m sorry and I mean it,” I pleaded looking straight into her eyes.

Sarah said nothing afterwards, as I stayed silent myself waiting to hear her response.

She took a deep breath and slumped her shoulders in defeat.

“Fine!” She finally responded.

I felt grateful having it all resolved as I held on to my chest the minute she blurted out the word “fine”.

“What a relief!” I muttered to myself as I had my butt on the ground holding my head up in my hand.

“I’d continue but only on one condition!” She said as she crossed her arm over her chest.

“And what’s that?” I asked.

“No more advances in public and no more going out together,” She added.

“So what?!” I shrugged.

She glared at me almost immediately and then I snapped out of my silly mode of wanting to make a joke out of her request.

“I’m sorry,” I said as I bobbed my head at her.

“Good!” She responded.

“Just kidding, I understand and I have all of that noted down,” I replied with a smile slowly forming on my face.

“So are we cool now?” I asked standing up to my feet as I adjusted my shirt.

“And by the way, you bailed on me,” I said.

She laughed raising her hands in surrender, as she walked over to her bookshelf with a smile creased on her face.

“I was wrong on that, I’m sorry,” She responded.

“You sure about that?” I asked…

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