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            ****AVERY COLLINS****

"Hey beautiful why are you out in the cold?, let's take you home" one of the bulky men offered but I took a step backwards

They didn't look like people who would've just taken me home

"No thank you, I'll pass" I said and turned round to leave but I felt them following me from behind 

"Come on dear don't you trust us?" One asked and I huffed

"Not really considering that I met you some seconds ago" I said and they laughed

"I like this girl" one said

"Me too" said another

"Look woman its getting late, its raining and we're all cold. Why don't you just let us take you home?" the one in the middle who looked like the leader said impatiently

"Go then, I'm not really holding you back from leaving me here" I said and I heard him scoff from behind me

"Boys, looks like I've just lost my patience here" he whispered to them but I heard it

"Get her" he ordered and before they could get me I already took to my heels and was running across the wet streets of New York while it was raining like crazy

The street was deserted and no one was around considering they weren't mad people like these guys chasing me

I had to dodge obstacles while trying not to fall flat on my face from how slippery the place was

I almost lost them but suddenly in the process of making a turn I slipped and fell hard on the pavement cutting myself

I screamed

The pain was just too unbearable and I saw the three men getting closer and closer.

They finally arrived and the leader knelt beside me with a wicked grin on his face as he looked at my cut

"I was gonna teach you a lesson for running off like that but I think you've already learnt your lesson" he said and was about to pick me up when we suddenly heard a car screech right infront of us

A man in about his twenties stepped out and I've got to admit that he was gorgeous.

He was tall, well built, had beautiful black eyes and hair which was wet from the rain making him all the more handsome

"Let her go" he said with a voice that could make mountains move but the men laughed

"Howdy stranger. I'm sorry to say but tonight is your last night on this earth" he said with a cold laugh

"Boys get him" he said with a snap of his fingers and the two men were attacking the handsome guy

"NO!" I cried and they fought with him actually beating them

The leader seeing that there was no chance of him winning picked me up and hauled me over his shoulder as he started running

"Let me go you crazy person" I said as I hit his head trying to let him release me but his grip over me was solid

"What do you want me for?, I'm broke if you think I'm rich" I said but he was still running not listening to a damn word I was saying

He made a sharp left turn and slipped from the water making us all go tumbling down

I groaned in pain as I saw him and the handsome guy fighting and then suddenly everything went dark

I woke up to a sharp pain in my ribs and  opened my eyes to see beautiful dark ones staring at me

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