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              ***KATIE WILLSON***

"Goodbye Willson" Collins said and with that I heard a loud bang as I fell to the floor

"Fuck you boy" I heard Collins scream and managed to turn my heard in the direction of his voice to see Collins on the floor with blood gushing from his forehead and a big rock lying next to him

A figure was towering over me and I looked up to see

"Cole?" I asked and he hummed a yes before picking me up gently and putting me on his back

"I thought that was it" I said quietly as I hugged his back and he chuckled

"That can never happen as long as I'm around" he said and I smiled before looking down at an unconscious Collins

"I hate you Collins, with every fiber in me" I said as the police came and carried him in a stretcher and put him in an ambulance

"We're sorry for whatever Mr.Collins has done to you. We'll make sure he pays for every single crime he has committed" an officer assured me and I nodded

"What about Mr.Andrews?" I asked but the officer shook his head

"We found Mr.Andrews dead in Mr.Collins office earlier today. I'm afraid he's no more with us" the officer broke out and my heart immediately stopped

"What?" I asked quietly after seconds of being in shock

"No" Cole said but the officer bowed showing his respect then excused us

"Wow, that man is a monster" Cole said but I shook my head as tears fell

"No. He's a devil and I pray he rots in hell" I said while the tears fell uncontrollably

Collins must have figured out that Mr.Andrews helping us and had him killed.

All Mr.Andrews wanted was to live to protect his wife and kids but now.....that dream couldn't come true

"Kate" Cole called almost in a whisper and I lifted my head from the crook of his neck and looked at what he was looking at

Time immediately stopped in that moment and I got down from Cole's back as I made my way slowly forward

I looked at them and couldn't help but feel drawn to them as they too made their way to me

It was my family all alive

They weren't dead

I saw Dad, Kyle, Luke, Mr.Peters. Freddie and Jace all walking towards me

I immediately started running, ignoring the pains I was feeling in my body and jumped on Dad when I had neared them

I hugged him so tight ignoring the fact that he could be weak or hungry but all I knew was that I had finally seen my Dad

"DAD" I sobbed feeling my heart breaking from seeing him looking all weak and sickly

"Baby Kate" he cooed while stroking my hair

I broke away and jumped on Kyle while he hugged me with so much energy and even spun me around

"Kate" he cried

"Kyle" I literally sobbed and even Luke hugged me for the first time since we had known each other and that has been since we were born.

"Good to see you Sir" I said to Mr.Peters and he hugged me

"Likewise" he said and I felt warm inside

I broke away and came face to face with Jace. Boy was he hot

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