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           ****KATIE WILLSON****

"K-Kate is that.....?" He asked trailing off

"Yes dear. I'm your mother" Avery said and Kyle looked shocked

"What are you doing here in New York Avery?" I asked with a frown on my face as I folded my arms

"Y-you know eachother?" Kyle asked once again looking confused as he pointed to me then Avery, then Back at me

"Unfortunately yes" I said then Avery suddenly looked saddened by what I said

"Just have a seat, please" she said

I sighed before sitting down while sending a confused Kyle with me

"So now please tell me what you're doing here" I demanded and she sighed

"Looks like you're not as happy as I thought you would be seeing me" she said and I scoffed

"Why would I be and.... does Dad know we're here?" I asked and she nodded

"Your Dad infact was the one who granted permission for me to see you two" she said I frowned

"Why the heck did Dad do that?" I asked myself

"Anyways, I wanted to meet you two to see how you were fairing" she said

"Now that you see that we're fine, we would be on our way" I said ready to leave but she grabbed my hand from across the table telling me not to leave

"Please, just ten minutes of your time" she begged and I looked at Kyle who nodded approvingly

"OK fine. Just ten minutes" I said and she breathed a sigh of relief

"You're a lot more feisty and beautiful than I thought you would be" she said with a chuckle but I said nothing

"Look at you two. It has always been a dream to see my babies in uniform" she said with motherly love lacing her voice but I just scoffed

"Times ticking Avery. Please just get to the point" I said and she had the sad look in her eyes before nodding

"Of course. Sorry" she apologised and Kyle looked at me with frown

"What?. She said ten minutes, I have somewhere else to be" I said with a huff and Kyle rolled his eyes before looking at Avery

"Don't listen to her umm...."

"Mom" she said happily but he shook his head

"I'm sorry, it just sounds so weird to say considering we grew up without one. How about I call you something else?" He suggested and she gave a tight lipped smile trying to hide her disappointment

"How about Avery" she offered and he smiled

"That's actually a beautiful name" he said and she smiled back

"Thank you dear" she said

"Now for the reason that I'm here" she said and I snapped my finger

"Aha!" I exclaimed

"I knew you were here for another motive. No normal person will fly from one country to another just to ask two kids how they're doing" I said

"To ask my kids how they're doing" she said stressing on the my

"And yes you're right. I do have another motive" she admitted and I smiled at my incredible detective's hunch

"Kate stop it" Kyle's warned and I frowned

"Anyways, I wanted to come clean about everything and say sorry for being the worst mother ever" she said and I nodded

"You can add being the worst mother to ever walk the planet earth" I suggested and she nodded with tears falling

"Exactly" she said and Kyle nudged me

"Kate stop it" he whispered again and I just huffed

"What's gotten into you?, you're not this heartless" he said and I scoffed

"I became heartless the day I lost the love of my life thanks to you and your reckless schemes" I said with so much venom in my voice and he looked at me shocked before back at Avery

"We'll talk about this back at home" he whispered and I just scoffed

"Your father and I had you two when we were engaged some years ago" she started

"He planned that we got married the next month since I was travelling to another country for my work back in Florida" she said

"So did you get married?" I asked and she shook her head

"No we did not" she said

"Why?" Kyle asked


"Because I already had a lover back in Florida.......with whom I had a child" she said as she bowed her head as tears fell and Kyle and I both looked at her shocked

"What?" we asked in unison

"Rachael" I whispered and she nodded with her eyes still filling up with tears

"Was it Collins?" I asked and she nodded while cleaning the tears on her face

"So why did you and Dad have us if you already had a child with Collins?" I asked not getting where this was all going

"The truth is I actually met Collins before your Dad. We had a child together and life was great"

"But that all changed when I had to come to New York to work since Collins, I and my baby girl were struggling to meet ends needs" she said

"So what happened?" Kyle asked sounding curious

"Well I landed in New York and the hotel that I booked claimed that I hadn't reserved any room so I was kicked out" she said as fresh tears fell and my heart suddenly went out to her

"So what did you do?" Kyle asked and she shrugged

"There was nothing I could do. I had no phone, no friends, no family. I was pretty much alone and plus, I had no money considering I had used up all my savings to come to New York"

"And just my luck it started raining" she said with a chuckle and we gasped

"Oh no" we said in unison

"Oh yes it did. All the shops closed and no one would let a stranger into their homes even though they'd pay them. And guess what, I couldn't" she said and we all laughed at that

"I was in the rain walking down the street looking for a place to at least spend the night when a car stopped right infront of me"

"Was it Dad?" I asked excitedly like a child but she shook her head making me feel like a kid who's Christmas present had just been burnt

"Then who was it?" Kyle asked

"Three bulky men got out but they didn't look real friendly" she said with a sigh

               To be continued........

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