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               ***JASON ASTOR***

I looked in the mirror and liked the reflection of myself that I was seeing. I looked decent and hot in the black tux that I was wearing for the Christmas party.

I sleeked my hair back carefully with gel and wondered how Kate's expression was going to be when she saw me.

Heck, why did I care of how she'd look like if she saw me?

I mean really, what was wrong with me over the past month just seeing Kate?

How I felt before when I had met her definitely doesn't feel like how I feel about her now.

She used to be just a pain in my neck and a little stubborn girl that I had to look after but suddenly, I see her more than that and it's weird how I feel 'cause I don't like it one bit.

The car came to a hault infront of her Aunt's mansion and I got out and walked towards the door hoping for the last that I looked OK.

A maid opened the door for me and sent me to the living room where I found a well built man sitting on the couch. He was dark, had a clean moustache on and looked intimidating but yet when he smiled at me he looked friendly at the same time.

"Sonny, to what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you in my house" he said and I tried to flash him a smile and he laughed at my effort

"Mr.     You're here" I said and he nodded as he stood up

"And you're here too" he said and we shook hands before he went back to sit

"Has your agency agreed to the date that I'll be leaving?" He asked and I shook my head

"No Sir not yet, but I'll keep you updated on everything that happens there" I said and he nodded looking pleased

I had helped him and a bunch of his other mates who had been captured by the enemy country escape after being hostages for almost a year.

We spoke about other stuff and I saw aunt Lena walk down the stairs looking like a queen. She looked fine and elegant and she and Mr.   Kissed before she turned to me

"Jason, you're waiting for her huh?, she'll be down in a minute don't worry" she said and Mr.   Looked surprised

"You know him?" He asked and his wife nodded

"Of course, this fine young man and his father are lifesavers" she said and her husband nodded

"They sure are" he said in agreement and I felt a bit of pride as they kept on conversing about what I had done to help the family but all that was drowned when I saw, Her

She walked looking like a princess as she climbed down. She wore a knee length black dress to match mine, heels that made her look really tall, she held a black purse in her hand and her long curls which were always in a ponytail have been straightened and hung loosely as waves all over her shoulder. She looked amazing

She got to where I was and I was speechlesss. All this while I was thinking of how she'd react if she saw me but I should've been worried of how I'd react if I saw her.

The husband and wife excused us but not before Aunt Lena gave us her blessing to be able to go out.

We walked to the car and just when I was about to open the door for her she stopped me.

"Is everything OK?" I asked and she nodded

"I just wanted to say... thank you" she said and I looked at her weirdly

That was unexpected.

"This past month has been tough but being with you though you're extremely sour and annoying, have protected and given me company" she said and I listened attentively to what she wanted to do or say.

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