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                 ***KATIE WILLSON***

I was ready by six in the morning and met Jace at a local coffee shop since he wanted us to talk

I somehow had a hunch that it was about yesterday's incident and I honestly wanted to talk about it too

I liked Jace a lot I now realised and I wanted to know if he really thought off me like that

I made sure that I looked my best and took off every disguise that made me Iris. I was Dressed as myself but just wore a sunglass to hide my fame from the public since I was going to meet Rachael's Mom and needed to look like me

You won't believe the look of shock on Freddie's face when I told her that Jace and I had kissed

"What the fuck, the leader and you?" She asked and I frowned

"What do you mean by the leader and I,  aren't I pretty enough?" I asked and she immediately shook her head

"Of course, you're the prettiest thing ever. It's just that it's a bit hard to believe" she admitted and I gave her a smile

"It is. Considering that we were literally enemies before but.....I guess love can be stupid sometimes" I said with a chuckle and she laughed

I sat down infront of Jace but he didn't seem to notice me with his eyes looking down at the table

I called him once or twice but he seemed to be deep in thought so I gently put my hand on his and he looked up a bit startled

"Jace are you OK?" I asked a bit worried but he gave me the most heart melting smile ever

"I am after seeing your pretty face" he said making me Blush hard

"Who knew you had that you?" I asked with my face as red as a tomato and he laughed

"I've always had but choose not to show it" he said

"Why?" I asked but he just shrugged

"It's for the best" he said and I raised a brow up

"Never mind that but I've got to ask, why aren't you in a disguise?" He asked and I also shrugged

"Don't know, just felt like being me" I said and he nodded slowly as if taking in what I had just said

"So you aren't going to meet Rachael's Mom today?" He asked and my mouth literally dropped with shock

" did you-"

"You can't lie to me Kate" he said and I looked at him not knowing what to say

"Freddie told you, didn't she?" I asked quietly but he only got comfortable in his seat

"It's her duty to tell me everything that happens when I send her. She was only doing her job" he said but I scoffed

"Some best friend she turned out to be" I said and he frowned

"Don't get mad at Fredricka, she did what she did out of pure concern for you. She didn't want you to get hurt" he said but I just rubbed my temples

"Anyways..... why don't we go out for a stroll" he said and I nodded, wanting to get some fresh air

We walked to the park that we shared our first kiss at and moments from last night came rushing through my head

The walk was silent but surprisingly calm and peaceful. I was lost in thought before a hand enveloped mine and I looked down to see Jace holding my hand

I looked up at him but his eyes weren't looking at me but I still smiled

"Kate I don't want you to go meet Rachael's Mom" he said

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