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                ***KATIE WILLSON***

Today is the last day of December and it was heartbreaking to celebrate this special day without Dad and Kyle or even Luke and his Dad.

We always held a special party for just the five of us at our place to mark another year full of friendship and care

Though that wasn't really the case.

It was getting kinda late and Aunt Lena, Al and June along with their Dad went to church. They invited me to come but I politely refused since I was a bit tired to go

I went for a stroll down the nearest park  and sat down quietly on a bench. I was the only one around since everyone probably had something better to do like going to parties, church, at bars drinking or having fun with their loved ones

I sat down just looking at the moon wondering why my life had turned out like this

Suddenly memories from Dad and Kyle's kidnap, Mr.Peters, Luke, Romeo, Mr. Collins, Freddie and even Jace, his evil Mom and Cole came rushing through my head

I started feeling heavy and just then I couldn't take it anymore. A tear escaped my eye and I couldn't control it as other tear drops joined in and it turned into a sob.

Honestly, I had never cried so much like that in my entire life. The grief was just too much for me and I couldn't keep it in anymore

I started shouting and cursing Collins for making my life a living nightmare and I cursed my luck too for being so unlucky

I slid down to the floor and put my head on the bench as I balled my eyes out.

I was like that for some minutes before I felt a hand on my shoulder. Startled, I looked up and my eyes set themselves on perfect sea blue ones

It was Jace kneeling on the floor beside me

He had a serious look of concern on his face and he looked straight at me as he cupped my face in his large hands

"Kate" he said as he used his thumb to wipe away a stray tear that fell

I didn't know what to do so I just kept on crying and hugged him as I sobbed in the crook of his neck

He patted my back gently and I felt like the safest person alive so close to him.

Once I had calmed down a bit he pulled away and stared deep into my swollen eyes. His thumb carresing my cheek and him just an inch apart made me swallow hard on nothing

My breath hitched and my heart pounded violently in my chest when I felt his hot breath on my face.

I became suddenly aware of how physically close we were and I wanted to pull away but my body refused to move.

It was more comfortable and safer in his arms than anywhere else. He got closer still looking into my eyes and we were so close that just the wind passing could make us lock lips

He suddenly diverted his attention from my eyes and then moved to my lips. Before looking back into my eyes as if asking for permission

I didn't react or even pull away like what I would've normal done and without warning he smashed his lips against mine and just like that, Jace and I were making out at the park on the floor

Ok, that sounded weird to say

I ran my hand through his silky blonde hair and he pulled me closer and closer to him as if the fact that we were literally pressed against eachother wasn't enough

I loved every single moment and I smiled against his lips when I heard the fireworks explosions

Every single part about that night was magical and I loved it.

We pulled away from eachother when we were out of breath and dying for air. We looked deep into eachother's eyes and you could tell we had all been dying for this moment to happen

I smiled and he smiled back shocking me. I looked into his eyes and for the first time I saw an expression that I could read

There was love in his eyes.

We sat on the bench snuggling as I put my head on his shoulders and he put his head on mine as we intertwined our fingers

In that position we said nothing just watching fireworks exploding in the sky.

I bit my lip still not believing that I had just kissed Jace and was snuggling with him

I felt a kiss on my head and looked up only to receive a peck on my lips.

I instantly blushed hard at that and he smirked seeing me turning red.

"So what just happened is straight up weird" I admitted and he laughed a laugh which I wished I had recorded and could play over and over again

"What's with the change in attitude?" I asked and he grinned

"You" he simply said and I blinked uncontrollably at the new Jace. He looked so happy and free and I loved it

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked not really knowing what I was expecting as an answer

"Just enjoy the moment while it lasts" he said and I looked at his surprisingly peaceful attitude.

He was usually time conscious and wasted not even a second of his time to relax

I shrugged at my own thoughts and relaxed my tensed body. If this was really the new Jace, then I'd like being with him

                ***JASON ASTOR***

I smiled at the fact that Kate was resting on my shoulder and was comfortable with whatever just happened

God, it was like a dream come true

Who would've ever thought that Kate and I could be in love.

Ok, that just sounded weird to say

We were like that till the next morning and even slept on the park bench but only to be woken up by a frantic call from Kate's Aunt.

"Katie Diana Willson, where are you?" I heard her Aunt yell over the phone and I snickered at the mention of her full name

She just rolled her eyes then nudged me before shooting up when her Aunt said she had called the police to report her missing

"Aunt calm down I'm fine" Kate said but her Aunt wouldn't listen to whatever she was saying

"Come home right now young lady" she ordered and they said their goodbyes before she hunged up and turned to me

"I've got to get going" she said as she turned to leave but I grabbed her arm stopping her from moving away any further

"I'll drop you at home" I offered and she nodded.

Her aunt bombarded her with hugs and kisses and don't forget scolds when she arrived

"Oh, thank you dear Jason for bringing my girl back to me" she said as she hit Kate's head but I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my mouth to see Kate being treated as a baby

I went home with a smile on my face and as I laid in bed, I was thinking of what we called the relationship Kate and I were in

Whether it was even one.

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