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               ***KATIE WILLSON***

I hauled a taxi on the road and got in in a haste. Today was the day Rachael's Mum Was coming and they invited me for the party they had planned out

"Iris, I am more than ecstatic to see my Mum" Rachael exclaimed over the phone and I laughed

"I can tell. By the way, did you invite the boys?" I asked and she hummed a yes

After the Christmas party at her place, I met some older agents to give whatever I found in Mr.Collins office for them to scan and I hadn't heard or spoken to Jace and Cole after that

The taxi stopped infront of their mansion and I got out and paid the driver before he drove off

I stood there looking at it with my head lost in the clouds. I was thinking of how Dad and Kyle might be doing since it was a day before new year

Suddenly someone yanked my ponytail playfully from behind and I turned to see

"OMG, Freddie?" I asked and she flashed me her famous grin

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked and she interlinked our arms as we entered the mansion together

"The leader sent me here to keep an eye on you" she said and I looked at her

"So he's not coming?" I asked and she shook her head

"Neither is second in command" she added and I nodded. Its not like I cared what those two idiots were up to.

We arrived inside and Rachael looked happy to see me

"Iris, you're here" she said as she gave me a hug

"Iris?" Freddie asked confused and I stepped on her foot making her howl in pain drawing attention to herself by Rachael

"And who's this?" Rachael asked innocently

"I'm her best friend" Freddie said proudly as she pulled me closer to her as if I were a trophy

"Rach, this is Freddie" I said and she lifted a brow up

"Like the boy Freddy?" She asked and I heard Freddie scoff

"Of course it's like the boy Freddy because I'm a boy, right?" Freddie asked gruffly and I tapped her for her to calm down

That was so typical of her

"It's actually Freddie with an 'e'. Short for Fredricka" I said and Rachael nodded giving Freddie a weird look

"But fuck you if you call me Fredricka else I'll have your heart" Freddie warned and both Rachael and I eyes widened with shock

I gave a nervous laugh and encouraged Rachael to ignore her and lead us to the party

"I'll let it slide because girls at my level don't talk to rags like you" Rachael spat out with so much venom and I swear Freddie charged at her

Luckily I was faster and held her just in time before she could do anything mad


"No please dont" I begged Rachael before she could finish calling security

She looked at Freddie with so much venom before huffing and leading the way

I turned to Freddie and gave a disappointed look

"How could you say that Freddie?" I asked and she huffed

"I don't like her. She's too Barbie for me" she stated plainly and I looked at her like she was crazy. Which she was

"Freddie I love ya and all but you've got to learn anger management" I said before strutting away

Moments later I felt someone beside me and turned to see that it was Freddie, I immediately looked away and she sighed

"You're right Kate or Iris or whatever you go by now. I've been too harsh all my life to several people and they all get mad at me, but I can't stand you getting mad at me. You're my best friend" she said and I immediately turned to look at her to see she had her head bowed

"I'm sorry" she said and I nudged her

"Hey, I'm not mad at you. I was just disappointed with the way you were behaving that's all" I said and she cheered up making me smile

"By the way I've been meaning to ask, what's with the new look and name?" She asked and I raised a brow up

"And I've been meaning to ask, how did you know that it's me?" I asked and she grinned

"You're seriously asking your best friend this question?, we practically grew up together. I'd recognise you even if you were a ninety year old grandma" she said and I chuckled

"Rachael you have guests?" We heard a female voice say and both Freddie and I looked up before all the blood drained from our faces

"Impossible" I heard Freddie whisper

               ***JASON ASTOR ***

I looked out of the window from Dad's office as I waited for him and the other head agents

The door opened and I didn't bother turning round because I knew who it was

"So you really didn't let us go with her?" He asked and I shook my head

"But what if she's in danger?" He asked again and I smirked

"She can handle danger but to ease you worried mind I sent Fredricka to her" I said and I heard him breath a sigh of relief

"So does she know?" Cole asked and I turned to look at him

"Know what?" I asked and he sighed

"You know?, the thing about Kyle" he said and my breath hitched a bit before returning back to normal

I looked back at the window and was silent

"No" I admitted and I heard him sigh as he took a seat behind me

"She's got to know sooner or later" he said and I turned to look at him

"She doesn't need to know. She's finally getting to understand me a bit and now you want me to break that thin bond?" I asked angrily and he shook his head tiredly

"I'm not saying that Astor, it's just an advice" he said and I scoffed before looking back out the window

After some minutes of silence he spoke again breaking me from any peaceful meditation

"Do you like Kate?" he asked suddenly and I hesitated

Did I like Kate?

I mean I hated the girl to bits at first. She was annoying, nosy and too close to me at all times

But now she's kind, sweet, strong and everything I could ever want in a girl. I can't believe I was blind to all of these things before

"Yes" I said and turned round to face him

"I like Katie Willson and I'll do everything in my power to protect her" I added and he looked down

"And I know you do too"

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